Xshell hangs by Bharat [1]

Xshell hangs by Bharat [1]

Xshell hangs

Thursday, November 3, 2011 3:28 PM - Bharat

Hi, when i try to paste the whole screen to notepad ,xshell hangs many times. And one more thing is there any feature for selecting whole line with blank space on double click so no need to put a enter to execute the command many times.Now it just select the line having matter ,on execution i need to put enter but that is annoying for me for some command that needs to run again and again.

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Xshell hangs

Monday, November 7, 2011 5:43 PM - Support

This may occur when the terminal includes too mcuh information. Could you send us the saved file? We will try testing it.

To select a line try triple cliking on a line. You can use the delimiters in Selection in the Keyboar and Mouse tab (Options dialog box) for double click behavior.

Technical Support

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