Cannot send Control-Space [1]

Cannot send Control-Space [1]

Cannot send Control-Space

Friday, March 18, 2011 10:53 AM - RockM66

I use the character Control-Space in Emacs to set marks and select regions. When I type this character in Xshell3 or Xshell4 it only sends a space. When I view the Xshell log I see only spaces. When I tried the key mapping feature in Xshell4, typing Control-Space just brings me back to "None" - it ignores it.

Can I configure Xshell to send Control-Space characters?

Note that I can use Control-Space with no problems in Xstart when using xterm to open a terminal window.

Help would be appreciated.

Program Ver. : Xshell 4 Beta

Re: Cannot send Control-Space

Monday, April 4, 2011 6:43 AM - Support

Control - Space control character is not supported in the current release. But, you can use the Control + 2 instead for now. We will include this key combination in the future releases.

Thank you for using Xshell.

Technical Support

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