Saving toolbar view preferences [1]

Saving toolbar view preferences [1]

Saving toolbar view preferences

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 6:37 AM - Mark

Hello! How do I save my preferences as to what toolbars I want viewed for my sessions? I really don't want my session window cluttered with the Font Bar, Session Tab, Session Bar, Address Bar, etc., but I don't immediately see how to save these settings. I've saved everything else (window size, font, color, IP address, and so forth) - but life would be great if I could save these view options. Thanks!

Program Ver. : Xshell 2.x

Re: Saving toolbar view preferences

Monday, April 4, 2011 6:42 AM - Support

To enable/disable toolbars, right click on any of the toolbars and select the ones you want to show on Xshell. Next time you start Xshell, only the selected toolbars will appear.

Technical Support

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