issue with emacs + dexpot [3]

issue with emacs + dexpot [3]

issue with emacs + dexpot

Friday, October 15, 2010 1:30 AM - ynn

I have xmanager + dexpot running.
If I open emacs from xshell in one desktop and another emacs from xshell in another desktop.
The previous emacs will get blank screen (only emacs).

there is no such problem with xceed.

Program Ver. : Xmanager 4 Beta
Connection Method : XDMCP connection

Re: issue with emacs + dexpot

Monday, October 18, 2010 2:02 AM - Support

We have tested on Dexpot version 1.5.7, build 1394 with Xmanager Enterprise 4 beta build 0063 but could not duplicate the problem.

Here is what we have tried:

1. Install Dexpot. (we have used the default settings)
2. On the first desktop, we open emacs from Xshell
Result: Xmanager opens and emacs starts normally.
3. Moved to the second desktop by selecting Desktop 2 from the tray bar Dexpot icon.
4. On the second desktop, we open a new Xshell window and open emacs from it.
Result: Emacs starts normally.

We open different text files on each emacs and went back and forth between the desktops. But, emas displayed normally.

Is there anything we are missing?

Technical Support

Re: issue with emacs + dexpot

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 5:08 AM - ynn

Thanks for the quick reply.
Here in my computer with windows vista it can be reproduced all the time.
I tried xshell 3/4, xmanager 3/4, emacs with option --debug-init, putty and different dexpot versions but failed with the same issue. That is very annoying.

They all go fine with xceed. I don't know whether it is related to other specific setup in my OS.

Re: issue with emacs + dexpot

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 4:44 AM - Support

We have tested the issue with Dexpot with Xmanager and Xshell. But, we could not duplicate the problem. This can be an isolated incident for your PC or perhaps an configuration issue.

Try using Xmanager + Dexpot on a different computer and see if the problem persists.

Technical Support

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