XFTP can't keep connection alive [1]

XFTP can't keep connection alive [1]

XFTP can't keep connection alive

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 7:56 AM - Tao

After beginning of connect to a sftp server, the xftp can transfer the file sucessfully. But after around 10-20 mins, the filed transfered is received as broken one. It seems the xftp can not keep the connection alive, or at least not full alive.

Program Ver. : Xmanager 3.0
Connection Method : Other

Re: XFTP can't keep connection alive

Thursday, May 6, 2010 1:27 AM - Support

Xftp uses keep alive feature to keep the connection alive and complete the transfer.

If the transfer was incomplete or there are any errors, it is probably caused by some other reason. It will be very difficult to fix the problem unless we can duplicate the problem. Please send us the following information and we will try duplicating the problem:

1. What is the type and version of the SFTP server?
2. Does the problem occur on specific files/folders or is it random?
3. If there is any information that may help us duplicate the problem, please let us know.

Technical Support

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