How to block copy & Paste to Windows function ? [1]

How to block copy & Paste to Windows function ? [1]

How to block copy & Paste to Windows function ?

Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:06 AM - Sendoh

Does anyone know how to block Copy & Paste to Windows function ?

Now, i use x-manager (windows 7) to connect to redhat linux system , now , i want to block the copy and paste function for security concern .
x-config can turn off this function ,but everyone can edit it.
How can I do ?
pls give me some suggestion , thank you!

Program Ver. : Xmanager 3.0
Connection Method : XDMCP connection

Re: How to block copy & Paste to Windows function ?

Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:49 PM - Support

This feature is not available in the current Xmanager release. We will try including it in the future versions.

Meanwhile, could you tell us the following information to help us better understand this feature?

1. Have you used this feature in any other programs? If so, what is the name and version of the product?
2. What is your intended use for this feature?
3. How would you want to perform the task?

Technical Support

Previous views: 136

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