The server sent a disconnect packet. [8]

The server sent a disconnect packet.

Friday, March 21, 2008 12:03 AM - Jason Choi

I've got an error message which is
"The server sent a disconnect packet.
Received ieof for nonexistent channel 0. (code: 2)"

And Reply message I have is as following.

[10:58:55] Connecting to ''...
[10:58:55] Connected.
[10:58:55] Version exchange initiated...
[10:58:55] server: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.5
[10:58:55] client: SSH-2.0-nsssh2_3.0.0006 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
[10:58:55] SSH2 is selected.
[10:58:55] Algorithm negotiation initiated...
[10:58:55] key exchange: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
[10:58:55] host key: ssh-dss
[10:58:55] outgoing encryption: aes128-cbc
[10:58:55] incoming encryption: aes128-cbc
[10:58:55] outgoing mac: hmac-sha1
[10:58:55] incoming mac: hmac-sha1
[10:58:55] outgoing compression: none
[10:58:55] incoming compression: none
[10:58:56] Host authentication initiated...
[10:58:56] Hostkey fingerprint:
[10:58:56] ssh-dsa 1024 de:0c:c2:67:33:e1:2b:bf:6d:8c:48:45:21:05:ca:03
[10:58:56] Accepted. Verifying host key...
[10:58:56] Verified.
[10:58:56] User authentication initiated...
[10:58:56] Sent user name 'jchoi'.
[10:58:59] Server support public key authentication method.
[10:58:59] Trying to find ssh-agent...
[10:58:59] Xagent is running. Connecting to ssh-agent...
[10:59:00] Received 0 identity-blob(s) from ssh-agent.
[10:59:00] No more keys to try.
[10:59:00] Fall back to normal user authentication steps.
[10:59:00] Sent password.
[10:59:07] Sent password.
[10:59:07] Access granted.
[10:59:07] Sent X11 forwarding request...
[10:59:07] Succeeded.
[10:59:07] Sent the command line.
[10:59:07] /usr/bin/gnome-terminal
[10:59:07] Start timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN, 180).
_X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for localhost:6010: Name or service not known

(gnome-terminal:4467): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: 
[10:59:07] Connection closed.

Now I tried to connect to my Fedora Core 7 Linux System. Before reinstalling Fedora Core 7 on my PC, I could connect to the PC successfully. But after reinstalling, I've got this error situation.
Could you give me really nice suggestion?
Thanks in advance,


Program Ver. : Xmanager 3.0
Connection Method : Xstart connection

Re: The server sent a disconnect packet.

Friday, March 21, 2008 12:09 AM - Droid
In case you haven't check this page out:


This should fix it.

Re: Re: The server sent a disconnect packet.

Monday, June 2, 2008 11:12 PM - Brian
I also received the error message from Xrcmd:
"The server sent a disconnect packet.
Received ieof for nonexistent channel 0. (code: 2)"

The Reply messages log shows:
[10:00:55] Resolving host name ''...
[10:00:55] Connected.
[10:00:55] Version exchange initiated...
[10:00:55] server: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.6.1p2
[10:00:55] client: SSH-2.0-nsssh2_3.0.0006 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
[10:00:55] SSH2 is selected.
[10:00:55] Algorithm negotiation initiated...
[10:00:55] key exchange: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
[10:00:55] host key: ssh-dss
[10:00:55] outgoing encryption: aes128-cbc
[10:00:55] incoming encryption: aes128-cbc
[10:00:55] outgoing mac: hmac-sha1
[10:00:55] incoming mac: hmac-sha1
[10:00:55] outgoing compression: none
[10:00:55] incoming compression: none
[10:00:55] Host authentication initiated...
[10:00:55] Hostkey fingerprint:
[10:00:55] ssh-dsa 1024 88:99:ce:97:9b:1f:fc:32:76:fe:a5:df:f3:d0:35:66
[10:00:55] Accepted. Verifying host key...
[10:00:55] Verified.
[10:00:55] User authentication initiated...
[10:00:55] Sent user name 'app'.
[10:00:55] Sent password.
[10:00:55] Access granted.
[10:00:55] Sent X11 forwarding request...
[10:00:55] Succeeded.
[10:00:55] Sent the command line.
[10:00:55] /home/app/start_app.csh NO-ALLOC
[10:00:55] Start timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN, 180).
[10:00:56] An X11 channel (id=1) has opened.
[10:00:56] Stop timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN).
[10:00:56] Connection closed.

I checked my hosts file and localhost is set properly. Any ideas of where to look next? I've search extensively, but haven't found a solution.


Re: Re: Re: The server sent a disconnect packet.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 6:05 AM - Brian
Try running an xterm before executing /home/app/start_app.csh 

Also, try this solution given by NetSarang awhile ago:

1. Open Xstart.
2. Select a session.
3. For Protocol, select SSH.
4. Click Setup.
RESULT: SSH Protocol Setup dialog box opens up.
5. Select the Option tab.
6. In Command Execution, select Allocate a pseudo terminal before executing the command.
7. Click OK to save the changes.
8. Start the session.

Re: Re: Re: Re: The server sent a disconnect packet.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 6:51 AM - Brian
Thank you, that worked. To allocate a pseudo terminal before executing a command with xrcmd I used the -shell option.

Re: The server sent a disconnect packet.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008 11:02 AM - Longway
Hi peoples, I got a similar problem. Does anybody would like to help? 

Replied msg from the server is : "The server sent a disconnected packet. Received ieof for nonexistent channel 0. (code: 2)"

I tried to use some suggestions to fix my problems but failed.

Thanks in advance la...

[19:58:50] Resolving host name ''...
[19:58:50] Connected.
[19:58:50] Version exchange initiated...
[19:58:50] server: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3
[19:58:50] client: SSH-2.0-nsssh2_3.0.0010 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
[19:58:50] SSH2 is selected.
[19:58:50] Algorithm negotiation initiated...
[19:58:50] key exchange: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
[19:58:50] host key: ssh-dss
[19:58:50] outgoing encryption: aes128-cbc
[19:58:50] incoming encryption: aes128-cbc
[19:58:50] outgoing mac: hmac-sha1
[19:58:50] incoming mac: hmac-sha1
[19:58:50] outgoing compression: none
[19:58:50] incoming compression: none
[19:58:51] Host authentication initiated...
[19:58:51] Hostkey fingerprint:
[19:58:51] ssh-dsa 1024 3c:88:77:d8:49:bf:58:e8:ed:50:b4:94:63:3a:2e:3a
[19:58:51] Accepted. Verifying host key...
[19:58:51] Verified.
[19:58:51] User authentication initiated...
[19:58:51] Sent user name 'lhli'.
[19:58:51] Sent password.
[19:58:51] Access granted.
[19:58:51] Sent X11 forwarding request...
[19:58:52] Succeeded.
[19:58:52] Sent the command line.
[19:58:52] /usr/bin/xterm -ls -display $DISPLAY
[19:58:52] Start timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN, 180).
[19:58:52] An X11 channel (id=1) has opened.
[19:58:52] Stop timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN).
X connection to localhost:14.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
[19:58:52] An X11 channel (id=1) has closed.
[19:58:52] All X11 channels are closed.
[19:58:52] Start timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN, 60).
[19:58:52] Connection closed.

Re: Re: The server sent a disconnect packet.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 6:06 PM - Branden

1. Open Xstart.
2. Select a session.
3. For Protocol, select SSH.
4. Click Setup.
RESULT: SSH Protocol Setup dialog box opens up.
5. Select the Option tab.
6. In Command Execution, select Allocate a pseudo terminal before executing the command.
7. Click OK to save the changes.
8. Start the session.

Also, try removing the $HOME/.Xauthority file.

Re: The server sent a disconnect packet.

Friday, March 19, 2010 7:05 AM - Raj
Hi it woeked for me thanks.
Thanks a lot.

Re: The server sent a disconnect packet.

Thursday, April 29, 2010 5:28 AM - Prakash
I faced the same problem. In "execution command" I selected the "xterm (Linux:Type2)" and it worked for me.

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