Problem with mouse pointer ... [11]

Problem with mouse pointer ...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 12:43 AM - Anatol
Hi, we have a problem on using XManage 3.0
We use XManager on MS WinXP SP3 to connect Sun Solaris 10 box (CDE) via XDMCP, where run an application in full screen mode. After starting this application, mouse pointer not visible. But if the application window hide and unhide the mouse pointer do visible. In XManager ver. 2 this application works correctly - mouse pointer always visible. Can you help me correct this problem with mouse pointer in XManage 3.0?
In attachment extended log, which look nice.

Program Ver. : Xmanager 3.0
Connection Method : XDMCP connection
Attachment X0.log (6.5 KB)  

Re: Problem with mouse pointer ...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:29 PM - Support
We will have to try duplicating the problem. Please send us the following information:

1. Name and version of the X application
2. Screenshot of the problem (Good and bad would be very helpful)

Thank you for your cooperation.

Technical Support

Re: Problem with mouse pointer ...

Thursday, December 17, 2009 3:10 AM - Anatol
To repeat the given problem at you will be problematic, because we cannot give this X application to you for testing and that application not free available. The name of this application PSIcontrol is a SCADA developed PSI AG Germany.
On a following link you can download video with problem demonstration, because screeenshots don`t capture mouse pointer. (1.07 MB)  

Re: Problem with mouse pointer ...

Monday, January 18, 2010 11:30 PM - Anatol
We tried to run our X application (PSIcontrol) in Xmanager with a debugging module and "Verbose Log Message" option enabled, but Xmanager crash with critical error. In attachment log file ...
Attachment X0.log (5.8 KB)  

Re: Problem with mouse pointer ...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 1:15 AM - Support
Do you see the mouse cursor before Xmanager crashes? If so, please send us all crash Inforamtion in you see on the Crash information dialog box. Also, if you don't see this window, check the Windows Event viewer (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer) for Xmanager crash event. 

Technical Support

Re: Problem with mouse pointer ...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 1:20 AM - Anatol
Yes, when we run XManager and connect to Solaris box the mouse pointer - visible. But when we run our X application the XManager crash. In attachment:
dialogbox_crash_screenshot.gif - screenshot of crash error dialog box;
crash_report_for_MS.txt - crash report for sending to MS;
crash_event.txt - information from event viewer about this crash.

Re: Problem with mouse pointer ...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010 4:59 AM - Anatol
With new Xmanager executable file the mouse pointer in our X Application work fine. Thank you for solving this problem.
We hope, this problem can be fixed in next build of XManager.

Re: Problem with mouse pointer ...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010 11:21 PM - Support
I am glad to hear the fix worked for you. This fix will be included in February update. 

February update is scheduled to be released on the 28th of this month.

Technical Support

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