connection problems when RHEL4 [1]

connection problems when RHEL4 [1]

connection problems when RHEL4

Thursday, June 24, 2010 7:28 AM - Robert Lee

I've got 2 problems:
1.when I double click a remote host icon,the browser jumped out but it doesn't show the login dialog and later prompts me connection failed

2.But when I fill in the address bar with the host ip,browser shows the login dialog,but once I click the close button to close x session, next time after I enter the user and password to login ,the browser just shows a blank blue screen.

I'm using window server 2008 R2

Thanks for your help!

Program Ver. : Xmanager 3.0
Connection Method : XDMCP connection
Attachment X0.log (3.7 KB)Β Β 

Re: connection problems when RHEL4

Thursday, June 24, 2010 7:04 PM - Support

The log file is the one from successful connection. We will need to see the logs from failed instances. Could attach the log files from the following instances?

1. Open a session by clicking on the session icon on Xbrowser. Wait for 10 sec and retrieve the log file.

2. Open a session by using the Address bar and enter the login information. After observing the blank blue screen, retrieve the log file.

*To retrieve the log file, right-click on the Title bar (Xmanager frame) and then select Log > File.

Technical Support

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