How to display Chinese character on the title [8]

How to display Chinese character on the title [8]

How to display Chinese character on the title

Monday, July 16, 2007 12:20 PM - bill858

hello ,
Recently I encounted a problem with Xmanager on the "title display " when I run "eclipse". see the
attachment for detail.
Because I want to display Chinese character,so I use the command "./eclipse -nl zh_CN" ,but the X window title shows "untitled" everywhere not the correct Chinese Character.
Here is my configuration detail:
Xmanager's version is Enterprise 2.1;
remote linux server is SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 :VERSION = 9 PATCHLEVEL = 3
locale setting now is :

How to display Chinese character on the X application title ? I hope for your answers.
Best wishes.
Attachment title.JPG (29.7 KB)Β Β 

Re: How to display Chinese character on the title

Monday, July 16, 2007 6:25 PM - Support

This problem occurs when the related language resource for eclipse is not properly loaded. In order to use eclipse with the required resources automatically loaded, we recommend you to use the XDMCP session instead.

Hope this solves your problem.

Technical Support

Re: Re: How to display Chinese character on the title

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 3:38 PM - bill858

Thank you very much!
I tried the XDMCP connection.The title can be seen now,but part of the title text shows as ".",look like a small dot(my remote server is SuSe 9).
I turned the Maximize performance option off in "Advanced tab" of the "XDMCP properties",but the problem still occurs.
I tried XDMCP on another remote server which installed Redhat Enterprise 4, and the title text can be correct displayed.
Is it the problem of Suse?
I hope for your help!
Thank you !

Re: Re: Re: How to display Chinese character on the title

Wednesday, July 18, 2007 5:53 PM - Support

Currently some UTF8 fonts may not be displayed properly on Xmanager. Here are two solutions:

First, try to use the non UTF-8 fonts.

Or, you can use font server (xfs). Here is an instruction on how to use Xmanager with font server, please refer to our FAQ:


If your problem still persists, please provide us the following information:

1. Version of your Eclipse software
2. Screenshot of the problem (including the Chinese characters you suppose to see)

Hope this helps.

Re: Re: Re: Re: How to display Chinese character on the title

Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:44 PM - bill858

Thank you for your answer.
I tried xfs . Now let me describe my experiment using xfs.
I have two remote server: "Server_SuSe" is the one which is installed Suse Enterprise 9 ,and "Server_Redhat" is the one which is installed Redhat Enterprise 4.

Firstly I use "Server_SuSe" as font server and use XDMCP to login on "Server_SuSe",the problem still occurs.
Secondly I use "Server_SuSe" as font server and use XDMCP to login on "Server_Redhat",the title can be correct displayed.
Thirdly I use "Server_Redhat" as font server and use XDMCP to login on "Server_Redhat",the title can be correct displayed.
Finally I use "Server_Redhat" as font server and use XDMCP to login on "Server_SuSe",the problem still occurs.

How can I use XDMCP to login on "Server_Suse" ,and correctly display title?

My eclipse version is eclipe3.2-SDK-linux-gtk-ia64.

Attachment1 is the screenshot of the title which is correctly displayed.
Attachment2 is the screenshot of the title which is not correctly displayed.

Hope for your help.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How to display Chinese character on the title

Friday, July 20, 2007 6:26 PM - Support

The Simplified Chinese characters are the ones having problem on the title bar, which is using the font provided by Suse KDE. We doubt that this problem is also occuring in the console mode of your Suse Linux. While we are further testing this, please confirm if the same problem is also occuring in the console.

Thank you for your coorperation.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How to display Chinese character on the title

Friday, July 20, 2007 10:33 PM - bill858

I also doublt it is the reason of SuSe ,but I only be permitted to login on it by remote SSH ,so I can not directly login on it and test it.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How to display Chinese character on the title

Wednesday, July 25, 2007 6:45 PM - Support

We have tested and successfully duplicated this problem in our lab.

When Eclipse is run from Xstart (using MS windows manager as your window manager), the problem displaying "untitled" title in the Eclipse window is caused due to font handling problem in Xmanager. Currently we are working on this problem and soon the fixed version will be available on our download page.

When Eclipse is run from Xbrowser (using the remote window manager as your window manager), the problem of displaying Simplified Chinese characters is caused due to the limited Chinese character support in Suse KDE. This problem can be solved if you install the corresponding font in KDE.

KDE in SuSE uses font rendering and Eclipse using this feature obtains the required fonts from the Linux system. But, SuSE 9.0 Enterprise Server does not include the required Chinese font.

Thank you for using Xmanager.

Technical Support

Re: How to display Chinese character on the title

Tuesday, June 29, 2010 12:06 AM - vandna

Previous views: 816

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