Can I set a Master Password? [2]

Can I set a Master Password? [2]

Can I set a Master Password?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013 6:35 AM - JP999

Hi, first off, I really like xftp, i compared a lot of clients and I like xftp best. I'm just missing one required feature though, which is...

Is it possible to set a master password for the program?

I know the site passwords are encrypted when they are saved, but I assume that they are encrypted with some common know encryption mechanism right? This would mean that they can also easily be decrypted which is a security risk...

The solution for that would be to set a master password. That password would then be the key that's used to encrypt all other passwords.

Is setting a master password or alternatively setting a custom encryption key possible anywhere within the program? I searched but could not find anything...

I hope there's a solution for this because I really like xftp.

Program Ver. : Xftp 4

Re: Can I set a Master Password?

Thursday, March 21, 2013 6:01 PM - JP

Bump... No reply? I guess that means no it's not possible?

Re: Can I set a Master Password?

Sunday, March 31, 2013 10:43 PM - Support

We were debating about the feature. In the next major release, sessions will be encrypted with set of user specific keys. Once the feature is implemented, other users cannot decrypt the sessions.

Also, we will take your advice into consideration when implementing the session encryption feature. Do you know any application that has such feature?

Technical Support

Previous views: 164

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