xftp - using clear case setview command [1]

xftp - using clear case setview command [1]

xftp - using clear case setview command

Sunday, March 20, 2011 9:14 PM - dust


I'm connecting xftp to a clearcase server. Its a version control system. However xftp is connecting to my clearcase server but I'n not able to set my 'view', so I'n not able to view my files there. Pls let me know how can I send clearcase coomands once I connect to clearcase serever. All ftp cpmmand to invoke external shell didn't work.

version: Xftp for XManager Enterprise 3.0 (Build 0254)

Program Ver. : Xftp 3.0

Re: xftp - using clear case setview command

Monday, April 4, 2011 8:02 AM - Support

Could you answer the following questions to help us better assist you?

1. What do you mean by "I'n not able to set my 'view', so I'n not able to view my files there"? Please include the screenshot is applicable.

2. Please send us everything in the the connection log pane. It is the log window below the remote folder pane.

3. Does Clearcase use the standard FTP protocol?

4. What is the version of Clearcase.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Technical Support

Previous views: 156

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