File Management

File Management

With Xftp, users can execute/rename/delete files, create new files, or directly edit files in a remote folder. In addition, Xftp offers the capability to edit files with a user defined editor. Not only does Xftp utilize the same user interface as Windows Explorer so Windows users can conveniently manage files, it allows users to use the Windows context menu for local files and folders. This way, context menu commands installed on Windows for file types can be utilized directly within Xftp.

To Change Between the Xftp and Windows Context Menu for Files/Folders:

  1. From the [Tools] menu, select Options to open the Options dialog box.
  2. From the [Right-click Menu] under the [General] tab, select either Xftp or the Windows System.

To Execute a File:

  1. Select a file to execute in the local or remote folder window.
  2. Right-click and select [Open].
  • Note
    A remote file is executed after it is downloaded to a temporary folder. When a local folder is executed, the File Explorer for the folder opens. 

To Rename a File or a Folder:

  1. Select a file or a folder to rename from the local or remote folder window.
  2. Select one of the following methods:
    • Select [Rename] from the [Commands] menu.
    • Right-click and select [Rename].
  3. When the input box appears, enter a new file name.
  4. Press Enter.

To Delete a File or a Folder:

  1. Select a file or a folder to delete from the local or remote folder window.
  2. Select one of the following methods:
    • Select [Delete] from the [Commands] menu.
    • Right-click and select [Delete].
  3. Select [Yes] when the Delete File dialog box is displayed.

To Change Remote Computer File Permissions:

  1. Select the file whose permissions are to be changed from the remote folder window.
  2. Select one of the following methods.
    • Select [Change Permissions] from the [Commands] menu.
    • Right-click and select [Change Permissions].
  3. Select permissions to change from the Change Permissions dialog box.
  4. Click [OK].
  • Note
    This function is provided via the UNIX remote computer and therefore the remote computer operating system must be compatible with UNIX. Changing permissions may fail depending on remote computer type. 

To Edit a Remote Text File:

  1. Select a file to edit from the remote folder window.
  2. Right-click and select [Edit with Notepad].
  • Note
    Instead of Notepad, a custom editor can be designated by the user in the Options dialog box [Advanced] tab.

To Create a New Folder:

  1. Click the local or remote folder window.
  2. Select one of the following methods:
    • Select [New Folder] from the [Commands] menu.
    • Right-click and select [New Folder].
  3. When an input box appears, enter the name of the new folder.
  4. Press Enter.

To View File Attributes:

  1. Select the file whose the attributes are to be checked from the local or remote folder window.
  2. Right-click and select [Properties].

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