Xftp Suggestion for Edit [1]

Xftp Suggestion for Edit

Thursday, August 17, 2017 2:38 PM - DougH

I just looked at your Xftp and found it interesting.

Could you add to the icon bar and icon for the edit? I setup for the external editor I use and it seems to work fine but the ONLY way I can see to open a file with the editor is to right click on the selected file the select the edit with ... . Please make an icon or even a hot key to execute this function faster.

Thank you.

Program Ver. : Xftp 5

Re: Xftp Suggestion for Edit

Monday, August 21, 2017 5:11 PM - Support

Thank you for the suggestion. I've reported this to our dev team and hopefully it can be added into a future release. Thank you!

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