How do I bookmark a remote folder? [2]

How do I bookmark a remote folder? [2]

How do I bookmark a remote folder?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:26 AM - StSch

How do I use bookmarks in general? I didn't make it to add anything there. And is it possible to bookmark a remote folder?

Program Ver. : Xftp 3.0

Re: How do I bookmark a remote folder?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 6:40 PM - Support

Xftp currently do not have a bookmark feature. You are probably referring to the links bar.

You can place sessions in the Links folder and access it through the Links bar.

I have requested the Bookmark feature.

Technical Support

Re: How do I bookmark a remote folder?

Tuesday, March 27, 2018 9:03 AM - Chi

You can Bookmarked URL directly with the Mozilla Firefox Pc, go to the top of the URL bar just click on the star logo, your link bookmarked!

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