show widget (OS SCO 7) with xstart [2]

show widget (OS SCO 7) with xstart [2]

show widget (OS SCO 7) with xstart

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 4:32 PM - Guillermo Carrillo

I run an program with xstart, but show widtget bad, if i run the aplication from console (with dynamic session) looks ok. I copied the font of server in the remote but nothing.

The OS is SCO 7

Program Ver. : Xmanager 3.0
Connect Method : Xstart connection

Re: Ing.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 7:25 PM - Support

If you are using SSH, please try enabling the "Allocate pseudo terminal before executing the command" option. This option is available in the SSH Protocol setup dialog box. You can open it by clicking the Setup button next to the protocol setup field.

If the problem persists, please send us the following information:

1. What is the command you use on Xstart to start the application?
2. How do you start the application when accessing via XDMCP? (dynamic session)
3. Try resizing the window. Does it have any effect?

Technical Support

Re: show widget (OS SCO 7) with xstart

Thursday, July 14, 2011 12:02 PM - Guillermo Carrillo

Hi, I run the xstart:
Protocol: TELNET
Execution Command:
/usr/bin/X11/pmwm -mwm & /sc/bat/remoto.sh $DISPLAY; exit

The shell "remoto.sh" run the application.

The size of the witget(matrix) is static (not allowed change).

Thanks and Best Regards.

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