Executive Director [1]

Executive Director

Thursday, August 18, 2011 1:59 PM - Cynthia Waddell

Does Netsarang have a Section 508 Voluntary Product Accessibility Template for this product? In other words, do you have a statement as to the extent the product conforms to the federal Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards? I am looking to see whether or not it can support JAWS or any other screen reading software used by workers who have low vision or are blind. Your response is appreciated.

Program Ver. : Xmanager 4
Connect Method : Secure XDMCP

Re: Executive Director

Thursday, August 18, 2011 6:50 PM - Support

We do not have Section 508 templates for our products. We will try to add support for accessibility in the future.

Meanwhile, our software are free for 30 days evaluation. If you need more time to test it, I can provide you with the extended evaluation key. Please contact us directly at support@netsarang.com. We will do what we can to work with you on this matter.

Technical Support

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