How to configure Ubuntu 11.10 [1]

How to configure Ubuntu 11.10

Thursday, December 1, 2011 10:43 PM - Chuck Liu

I tried the steps for Ubuntu 10, it works.
But Ubuntu goes weird, first it log out console session.
And after reboot, I have to manually start gdm again.
And the console screen was cropped.
Is there a step by step manual for Ubuntu 11.10?
Ubuntu 11.10 was installed with default settings, no other software installed or changed any settings.

Program Ver. : Xmanager 3.0
Connect Method : XDMCP connection

Re: How to configure Ubuntu 11.10

Friday, December 2, 2011 12:21 AM - Support

Starting from Ubuntu 11.10, LightDM is used instead of GDM. This might the reason GDM does not run initially after reboot. Also, Unity desktop is installed instead of Gnome.

To access Ubuntu 11.10 via XDMCP, try the following solution:

1. Install Gnome desktop envrionment and gdm.
2. Switch from LightDM to gdm. To do this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm and select gdm.

3. Enable UDP 177 on Ubuntu
4. Disable Selinux.

Technical Support

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