Xmanager closes after username and passwd [1]

Xmanager closes after username and passwd [1]

Xmanager closes after username and passwd

Friday, July 6, 2012 3:54 AM - john


Recently we updated the ivr from mps3.0 to mps3.5 ...so after booting from the upgraded version...we are not able to open the xmanager ... we are able to enter the username and passwd but as soon as i enter the same , the windows shuts at once....(appln server : solaris 10)

Kindly help

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Xmanager closes after username and passwd

Monday, July 9, 2012 2:12 AM - Support

Could you please tell us where we can get more information (possibly an evaluation version of the software) about ivr mps3.5?

But, as a note, I don't think installing an X application would have any effect on connecting to the server. Could you try logging in to a different user account and root account?

Technical Support

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