Telnet session from within SSH session [1]

Telnet session from within SSH session [1]

Telnet session from within SSH session

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 4:11 AM - Joost

Hi All,

I was wondering if its possible to create custom menu's on Xshell4.
I was using SecureCRT for a long time, because I was able to connect to devices within a ssh session.

I connect to a unix machine,
from the unix cli, i need to connect to some other devices using telnet.

Can I make some custom menu entries to connect to those devices ?



Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Telnet session from within SSH session

Sunday, May 20, 2012 9:34 PM - Support

You can login to the destination server through proxy server in one queue by using the Logon Scripts feature. You can find this feature under Connection > Logon Scripts in the session properties.

With the feature, you can set Xshell to expect certain string and send the text.

Technical Support

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