Default session authentication [2]

Default session authentication [2]

Default session authentication

Thursday, November 22, 2012 7:56 AM - Martin Trudel


I used to use Putty connection manager and one thing I liked was the abitlity to enter a machine in the adress bar to connect directly without a session and without the need to enter any password or passphrase.
Since I use Xshell, it's impossible for me to keep a default username and the default key and passphrase to connect directly to a server.
So I would suggest you add this function. To be able to just enter un server name and if your key is aready on it, it would connect automatically on it.

Too bad the default session does not keep this information

I use Xshell 4 (build 0113)

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Default session authentication

Sunday, November 25, 2012 11:06 PM - Supprot

Thank you for the feature request. I have submitted the request to our developers.

My concern about this feature is a security issue and trigger. It wouldn't be ideal to send the default ID and password when the user forgets to enter them. This can cause unexpected result for some users.

Technical Support

Re: Default session authentication

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 8:08 AM - Martin Trudel

It would still be possible for a user to remove the default authentication if he does not remember.
Another good thing would be the possibility to directly go to the prompt shell of the server so a user would still be able to add a user and a password to enter the server.
You could add a command like ssh -p for prompt and the user will have the login : and password : option.

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