Conflic xftp and teracopy... [1]

Conflic xftp and teracopy...

Thursday, June 21, 2012 5:44 AM - Patrick Paquet

scuse my english, i speake french he he he...

Ok i have a probleme... i use the copy handler teracopy and xftp4.. when i drag a file from xftp to my desktop there is folder created with a name like XftpDragDropSupportDir171061211 and the transfert stop immediatly and no file as ben transfered !!!

thank's to come back to me with this ... i very like xftp and i very like teracopy... i dont want to uninstall xftp or teracopy ...

ps i have try many and many of version of both and they have somme teracopy not work whit windows 7 but for all version is work they have the same probleme of conflic with xftp... i have try this on win 7 x86 and win 7 x64...

ok i juste try on win xp x86 sp3... xftp version xfp04000089 and teracopy version 2.22 and it's work... i have not try with win 8 consumer beta, but i think it's going to be same as win 7...

Program Ver. : Xftp 4

Re: Conflic xftp and teracopy...

Monday, June 25, 2012 3:19 PM - Support

This issue has been requested to our developers. We hope to see this fix soon.

Thank you for using Xftp.

Technical Support

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