Fuynction keys [2]

Fuynction keys [2]

Fuynction keys

Thursday, March 26, 2009 6:04 PM - Dave

Is there a way to set function keys to send text. I know we can do this with quick commands.

We have been using secure crt but like Xsell better. One thing I can not figure out is how to set F1 to say "cd /usr/local/bin" F2 "cd /usr/home". Just a simple way to send comenly used text strings without having to leave the keyboard as we have to do to use quick commands. Or am I missing something obvious.

Great program. Thanks.

Program Ver. : Xshell 3.0

Re: Fuynction keys

Thursday, March 26, 2009 6:42 PM - Support

Thank you for using Xshell. Shortcut key feature will be added in the next version. Please check back soon for beta release and updates.

Technical Support

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Re: Re: Fuynction keys

Thursday, March 26, 2009 7:02 PM - Dave

Cool, will do!!

Thanks, Dave

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