Logging based on connection [2]

Logging based on connection [2]

Logging based on connection

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 3:14 AM - Mike

Is there a way that I can log with Xshell based on the session? In other words, I want the certain connections to log automatically.

Re: Logging based on connection

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 2:23 PM - Support

Xshell currently does not offer auto logging for each session. However, you can log each session manually. Go to the File menu and Log. From there you can choose to start, stop, pause or resume the logging.

Your request has been added to our feature request line. We will consider including this feature in our future release.

Thank you.

Re: Re: Logging based on connection

Monday, November 29, 2004 11:13 PM - Mike

If your application supported either some method of scripting (perl/vbscript), then I would consider replacing my terminal applications (currently, I use SecureCRT for logging functionality).

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