save windows size and position [2]

save windows size and position [2]

save windows size and position

Friday, February 6, 2004 8:57 PM - mb

i checked save chnages on session closed option but xshell seems cannot remember windows size and position of each session.

and 2 suggestions

1. users define cursor's color/blink
2. column mode select

Re: save windows size and position

Monday, February 9, 2004 9:28 AM - H.Ronald Yang

Xshell does not save the size and postion of your Xshell window. I personally think that the option with the other suggested ones are nice to be embedded.


Re: save windows size and position

Tuesday, February 10, 2004 3:10 PM - Support

Thanks for your suggestion.

Window size/position and cursor color/blink will be included in Xshell 1.2 that is planned to be released in a few weeks.

We are also trying to include the column mode select as soon as possible.

Technical Support

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