[질문] SunOS Autocad 실행시 Fatal Error

[질문] SunOS Autocad 실행시 Fatal Error

[질문] SunOS Autocad 실행시 Fatal Error

1999-04-17 00:00 - 김승환

- 바쁘신데 참으로 죄송합니다.
- 답변은 천천히 주셔도 되겠습니다. (미안해서리)

Sun OS에서 Autocad를 실행시켰습니다.

Error Message는 다음과 같습니다.

ipx1% acad &
[1] 854
ipx1% X Error of failed request: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)
Major opcode of failed request: 89 (X_StoreColors)
Serial number of failed request: 452
Current serial number in output stream: 453
X Error of failed request: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)
Major opcode of failed request: 89 (X_StoreColors)
Serial number of failed request: 452
Current serial number in output stream: 453
rcacadd is not an ADI driver.

FATAL ERROR: No display driver

FATAL ERROR: No display driver

단순히 제 PC Graphic Card(Driver) 문제입니까?
아니면, ?? <끝>

이전 조회수: 140

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