What does the 'server is busy' message mean in Xmanager?


In Xmanager's detail view list a "(Server is busy)" message appears and fails to connect.


In GDM settings, Display Per Host is limited.


In the gdm.conf file, set the[xdmcp] section with 1, setup DisplaysPerHost as desired, then with the command gdm-restart, refresh gdm(gdm-binary).

Or if the gdmsetup program exists, you can launch via root and setup DisplaysPerHost. After configuring with the gdmsetup program, gdm does not need to be refreshed to adjust to the new settings.

The gdm.conf file may be in different locations depending on your linux package/version. The custom.conf file may be used in conjunction time to time.

The gdm.conf file location is usually of below:

/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf or custom.conf
/etc/gdm/gdm.conf or custom.conf