Ubuntu 22.04 - XRDP Installation and Configuration

Ubuntu 22.04 - XRDP Installation and Configuration

Table of Contents

XRDP Installation and Configuration

When installing the xrdp package in Ubuntu 22.04, the Xorg module will also be installed. Upon installation, the daemon will be initialized and will be registered in the init process.

  • Xorg: Uses the Xorg X server as the X display server.
  • Xvnc: Uses the Xvnc X server as the X display server.

XRDP Installation

$ sudo apt install xrdp

Initialization and Registering to the init Process

Registration will automatically occur during installation. If, for some reason, registration does not occur, you can reference the following for starting the daemon and registering xrdp to the init process.

# xrdp daemon start
$ sudo systemctl start xrdp

# xrdp init process registration
$ sudo systemctl enable xrdp

Xorg Module Installation and Configuration

When installing xrdp in Ubuntu 22.04, the xorgxrdp package will installed by default.

Xvnc Installation and Configuration

$ sudo apt install tigervnc-standalone-server

linvnc.so Bug

There is a known bug with libvnc.so included in Ubuntu 22.04's xrdp which makes it impossible to connect to Xvnc sessions as well as regular VNC sessions. You will want to upgrade to the following xrdp package to resolve this issue:

x64 Package: https://cdn.netsarang.net/utils/xrdp_0.9.19-1_amd64.deb

Non x64 Package: https://packages.ubuntu.com/kinetic/xrdp

Xorg Session Creation and Connection

  1. Run Xmanager

  2. 'File → New → Xmanager RDP Session'

  3. When utilizing multiple session types such as Xorg and Xvnc, leave the user information blank in order to be able to select the session type later on.

  4. Press OK to save the session file.

  5. Run the session and select Xorg as the Session type. Enter your login credentials.

  6. Confirm that you were able to connect and login.

Xvnc Session Creation and Connection

  1. Run Xmanager

  2. 'File → New → Xmanager RDP Session'

  3. When utilizing multiple session types such as Xorg and Xvnc, leave the user information blank in order to be able to select the session type later on.

  4. Desktop Size (Note that this step is not required if you've set up Ubuntu 22.04 - XRDP Enabling Multiple Sessions and Pause/Resume)
    To seamlessly reconnect to existing Xvnc sessions, set the desktop size as anything other than 'Work Space'. Depending on the Xmanager window size, the 'Work Space' size will differ. The size of a given X server is set when an RDP session is launched. Thus, if the window size is different, it may be difficult to reconnect to an existing session.

  5. Press OK to save the session file.

  6. Run the session and select Xvnc as the Session type. Enter your login credentials.

  7. Confirm that you were able to connect and login.

Creating Multi-Sessions with the Same User and Pause/Resume Functionality

With xrdp's default settings, multiple sessions of the same type cannot be created when connecting to an Xorg session or Xvnc session as the same user from the same IP address. When you reconnect after closing the window, you will be connected to the previous isntance.

You can, however, change this setting in order to create a new session for every session. If you choose to do so but would still like the option of reconnecting to a previous instance when needed, please see the guide below:

Ubuntu 22.04 - XRDP Enabling Multiple Sessions and Pause/Resume

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