RHEL 7.x - XRDP Installation and Configuration

RHEL 7.x - XRDP Installation and Configuration

※ If access to the RHEL Repository is not possible due to subscription termination, etc., the setup can be completed using an installation DVD or ISO file. In this case, refer to the How to register a DVD or ISO file OS installation to the Repository.

By default you can only create one session per user if the color values (Color Depth, BitPerPixel) are the same. If you use Xvnc and Xorg separately, you can use two sessions. To gain access to more sessions, you will need to change xrdp's session allocation policy. For a detailed explanation, see  RHEL 7.x - XRDP Enabling Multiple Sessions and Pause/Resume.

Table of Contents

XRDP installation

$ sudo yum install epel-release
$ sudo yum install xrdp
$ sudo systemctl start xrdp
# If you want to automatically start the xrdp service at system startup
$ sudo systemctl enable xrdp

Xorg Module Installation and Configuration

  • Installation

    $ sudo yum install xorgxrdp
  • Configuration
    Uncomment (#) the [Xorg] area of /etc/xrdp.ini.

    $ sudo vi /etc/xrdp.ini

Xvnc Installation and Configuration

  • Installation
    If you don't have Xvnc, install a VNC server using the following command:

    $ sudo yum install tigervnc-server
    $ #or
    $ sudo yum install tigervnc-server-minimal
  • Configuration
    If you want to install and use the Xfce desktop, you need to change it to 24-bit since Xfce does not support the default 32-bit color depth. Remove # from '#xserverbpp=24' in /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini so that the setting takes effect.

    $ sudo vi /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
    $ sudo systemctl restart xrdp

Session Creation and Connection

  1. Run Xmanager

  2. 'File → New → Xmanager RDP Session'
    Leave the user information blank to select the type of XRDP session.

  3. Click OK to save the session file.

  4. Run the session 

  5. Select the Session type and enter your login credentials.
    • Xorg: Uses the Xorg X server as an X display server.
    • Xvnc: Uses the Xvnc X server as an X display server.

  6. Confirm that the connection was successful.

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