Free User Registration

Free User Registration

Starting with Xshell Build 0134 and Xftp Build 0134, registering for a Free for Home/School license will move from our website to within the software itself.

Ultimately, this move was a necessity to protect our users. With the incredible popularity of our Free Licensing, several counterfeit and unauthorized versions of Xshell and Xftp are being distributed around the web. With registration moving into the software itself, you can be sure you are using genuine NetSarang Computer, Inc. software.

Registering your license will require a Name and Valid Email Address. This process only needs to be completed once.

Note: Existing users will be prompted to register upon updating to Xshell Build 0134 and Xftp Build 0134.

How to Register

  1. After installation, you will be prompted to enter your Name and Email Address.


  2. Click “Submit” and you can begin to use Xshell immediately without interruption.
    A link to validate your email address will be sent to the email address you specified. You only need to click this link within 7 days and can use Xshell normally in the meantime.

  3. The email you will receive will look like this:

    Important: Registration links will always begin with api.netsarangapi.com which will then redirect to one of our official domains (netsarang.com or xshell.com)

  4. Click the link and you will be sent to a landing page informing you that registration is complete.
    No further action is required.