What's New in Version 7

Below you will find a short explanation of the new features found in Version 7:

Xmanager 7 New Features

  • RDP Protocol Support
    Xmanager allows users to manage XDMCP, Xstart sessions as well as Xshell and Xftp sessions conveniently in one location. Starting in Version 7, users can also create, launch, and manage Microsoft Remote Desktop (RDP) sessions directly from within Xmanager.

    Learn more about how to create RDP Sessions here:

  • Latest Linux Support
    Xmanager 7's new X Server is based on X11R7.7. Xmanager now supports Gnome 3 as well as OpenGL 3.1 (GLX 1.4) and therefore supports the Gnome desktops of the latest Linux distributions. Users who need various X Server settings can use the previous X server which is provided as Xmanager Classic.

  • OpenSSH Certificate Authority
    For public key authentication the public user key must be registered on the server you want to connect to and also to the user. This approach can be considered inefficient, and it can also be a burden to the server administrator. Thus, using a public key authenticated via a Certificate Authority (CA) can be a superior solution. OpenSSH provides simple certificate generation and an associated CA infrastructure. Xmanager, Xshell, and Xftp can utilize OpenSSH CAs to connect to remote UNIX/Linux servers.

    Refer to the following guide:


Xshell 7 New Features

  • Inheritable Session Properties
    You can set session properties at the session folder level. Any new session created under the session folder will inherit its properties. The session folder effectively acts as a template for new session files.

  • Shortcut Support in Links Bar
    Sessions added to the Links Bar now supports and behaves like a shortcut. So any changes made to the session will be reflected for the shortcut as well.

  • Tab Manager
    The Tab Manager shows all your tabs and tab groups in a tree structure making it easy to organize your tabs. When a single tab group has many sessions, tabs may be hidden in Xshell's window. With the Tab Manager, you can easily view, move, and manage these tabs.

  • Script Recording
    Automatically generate script based on input (send) and output (expect). Use the generated script as a foundation to create more complex and versatile script.

  • Multi-Session Script
    Target multiple tabs on which to apply your script. (This feature is only supported in single process mode).
    Here's an example of how you can apply your script:

    Dim bSelect bSelect = xsh.Session.SelectTabName("SESSION_NAME") if(bSelect) Then xsh.Screen.Send("pwd" & VbCr) End if


  • Real Windows CMD
    Through this feature, Xshell now fully supports CMD output in the Local Shell. Before this feature, CMD output results would first be processed by the Xshell terminal and then ouputted in the Local Shell. This would lead to certain screens not appearing or incorrect string alignment.

    The Real Windows CMD feature allows an actual Windows CMD window to be placed into Xshell as its own tab. Users no longer need to leave Xshell in order to have full CMD functionality. In order to use this feature, simply type the 'realcmd' command into Xshell's Local Shell.

  • Recent Sessions List
    This list allows you to easily check and connect to your most recently connected servers.

  • Jump Host Parameter
    The Jump Host feature is a proxy feature that allows you to utilize an intermediate SSH server in order to reach the final destination server. As it uses Open-SSH’s TCP Tunneling, this feature can be used to connect to servers that cannot directly connect to the firewall or network configuration. Also, this feature is implemented at the SSH protocol level, and as such, a shell is not required to be running at the intermediate proxy sever.

  • SCP Command Support
    You can send and receives files to and from a remote server using the SCP command in the Local Shell. Enter the Scp /? command in the Local Shell for detailed usage instructions.

  • Remote File Manager
    If your connection is utilizing SSH, the Remote File Manager provides a visual list of files for the current path of the remote server. To use this feature navigate to the File Manager tab in the Tunneling pane (View -> Tunneling pane). The Remote File Manager supports uploads via drag n drop and download via the context menu.

  • OpenSSH Certificate Authority
    For public key authentication the public user key must be registered on the server you want to connect to and also to the user. This approach can be considered inefficient, and it can also be a burden to the server administrator. Thus, using a public key authenticated via a Certificate Authority (CA) can be a superior solution. OpenSSH provides simple certificate generation and an associated CA infrastructure. Xmanager, Xshell, and Xftp can utilize OpenSSH CAs to connect to remote UNIX/Linux servers.

    Refer to the following guide:


Xftp 7 New Features

  • Inheritable Session Properties
    You can set session properties at the session folder level. Any new session created under the session folder will inherit its properties. The session folder effectively acts as a template for new session files.

  • Shortcut Support in Links Bar
    Sessions added to the Links Bar now supports and behaves like a shortcut. So any changes made to the session will be reflected for the shortcut as well.

  • Transfer Scheduling
    Send and receive files based on user-defined time schedules.

  • Image Thumbnail Preview
    View thumbnail previews for image files directly within Xftp

  • Quick File Search
    Search/filter the current directory's files and subdirectories. This feature is useful if you quick need to search for files and directories to transfer, delete, etc.

    You can access this feature by selecting [Search] from the [Edit] Menu.

  • Recent Sessions List
    This list allows you to easily check and connect to your most recently connected servers.

  • OpenSSH Certificate Authority
    For public key authentication the public user key must be registered on the server you want to connect to and also to the user. This approach can be considered inefficient, and it can also be a burden to the server administrator. Thus, using a public key authenticated via a Certificate Authority (CA) can be a superior solution. OpenSSH provides simple certificate generation and an associated CA infrastructure. Xmanager, Xshell, and Xftp can utilize OpenSSH CAs to connect to remote UNIX/Linux servers.

    Refer to the following guide:

  • Jump Host Parameter
    The Jump Host feature is a proxy feature that allows you to utilize an intermediate SSH server in order to reach the final destination server. As it uses Open-SSH’s TCP Tunneling, this feature can be used to connect to servers that cannot directly connect to the firewall or network configuration. Also, this feature is implemented at the SSH protocol level, and as such, a shell is not required to be running at the intermediate proxy sever.