mfc140u.dll and other DLL errors
When running the program, the following error message is displayed.
In order to use NetSarang Computer software such as Xshell and Xftp, certain DLLs from Microsoft Redistributable Visual C++ Packages are required.
Normally, the necessary redistribution DLLs are automatically installed when installing Xshell or Xftp, but if the DLL redistribution package already exists on the Windows system, installation will be skipped.
In this case, if the system's DLL is a higher version than the NetSarang Computer software’s included DLL but is corrupted, you may see the error noted above. You may also see it if for some reason your system is not allowing a lower version of the DLL to be updated up to the version number included in our package.
You can solve this error through the following process. (Based on Version 7)
Uninstall any NetSarang Computer software. Any session files and settings you have created will remain intact and will be available after reinstallation.
Uninstall the redistributable packages from “Apps & features”.
Uninstall the 2012 Redistributable (x86) and the 2017 Redistributable (x86). The latter may be included within a multi-year redistributable package (e.g. 2015-2019 or 2015-2022).Install the desired NetSarang Computer software package.
In 'Apps & features', check whether the above redistributable packages are installed in addition to the NetSarang Computer software package you installed.
Note: If the redistributable packages are not installed after step 3, download the redistributable packages from the following links and install them directly.
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012:
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012:
If this issue is not resolved even after going through the steps above and you have a valid license, you can request a package containing the repackaged DLLs by contacting us at