Using the Xagent User Key on a Remote Host

Using the Xagent User Key on a Remote Host

Using Xagent, the SSH client on a remote host can use a user key used by Xshell, which is a user key held by Xagent. To use an Xagent user key on a remote host, both Xshell and the remote host SSH server must support agent-forwarding.
To Activate Agent-Forwarding on the ssh.com Server:

  1. Open the /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config file.
  2. Set value for AllowAgentForwarding option as follows: AllowAgentForwardingyes 
  3. Restart SSH server.
  • Note
    OpenSSH servers automatically enable the agent forwarding feature unless user specifies the no-agent-forwarding option.

To Use Xagent Key on the Remote Host:

  1. Set Xshell to use Xagent.
  2. Execute Xagent if Xagent is not running.
  3. Connect to SSH server and login.
    • Note
      If the SSH server supports the agent forwarding feature, the environment variable for agent forwarding (SSH_AUTH_SOCK or SSH2_AUTH_SOCK) is set to a proper value.
  4. Connect to another server, which supports public key authentication, from the remote server.
  5. When Passphrase dialog box is displayed, enter passphrase to the selected user key.
  • Note
    Passphrase dialog box is displayed only when the selected key status is Close. You can check user key status in Xagent user keys list. 

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