Connections with Session Files

Connections with Session Files

Connection from the Sessions Dialog Box:

  1. Open the Sessions dialog box.
  2. Select a session for connection.
  3. Click [Connect].
  • Note
    If a remote host connection already exists, a new tab is opened or a new Xshell is started.

Connection from the Local Prompt:

  1. Enter the following command in Xshell local prompt. [C:~]$ open session file name

Connection from a Shortcut:

  1. Double-click the shortcut icon of a session.
  • Note
    To obtain information about shortcut to session, see 'Session Management'.

Connection from the Session Manager:

  1. Make sure the "Session Manager" is enabled in the [View] menu.
  2. Select the session you want to connect to and double-click or press the Enter key.

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