dtterm resource setup

dtterm resource setup


The font type, size, color, etc. are referred to as resources. The following article describes how to adjust these resources in dtterm.


1. Font selection: in dtterm, use fontSet

Dtterm.resource_name : fontSet:

Ex) Dtterm.*userFont : dt-interface user-bold-r-normal-s sans-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*: -> if this happens, dtterm "-dt-interface user-bold-r-normal-s sans-*" will pick up English and Korean font. If font acquisition fails, the following error message is shown:

Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion

Dtterm.resource_name: englishfont; koreanfont;

Ex) Dtterm.*userFont : fixed; -*-*-*-*-*-*-38-*-*-*-*-*-ksc5601.1987-0:

2. Location of user's resource files

CDE connection

$HOME/locale/Dtterm(or $HOME/Dtterm) -> /usr/dt/app-defaults/locale/Dtterm

If resources of the same name are loaded there may be issues with the application order. Resources outputted from the same file will overwrite previous resourced outputted from said file.

Xstart connection

$HOME/.Xdefaults -> $HOME/locale/Dtterm (or $HOME/Dtterm) -> /usr/dt/app-defaults/locale/Dtterm

3. Resource name

  • Dtterm.*userFont : Terminal area font resource
  • Dtterm.*userFontList : dtterm font size listing
  • Dtterm.*FontList : Menu bar area font resource
  • Dtterm*dtTerm*background : Terminal area background color
  • Dtterm*dtTerm*foreground : Terminal area foreground color
  • Dtterm*XmScrollBar*background : Scrollbar background color

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