Failed to uninstall software / How to manually uninstall

Failed to uninstall software / How to manually uninstall


If you fail to uninstall NetSarang software by using the Windows Add/Remove program, you can try manually deleting the software.


To manually uninstall NetSarang software, follow the instructions below:

Use the GUID of each product to remove the corresponding registry entry. For Xmanager Power Suite or Xshell Plus, refer to the standard GUID of the indiviual programs.

Xmanager Enterprise GUID

Xmanager Enterprise 5.x : 6B122522-0A5C-455F-A0C2-C5700F66FDF5
Xmanager Enterprise 4.x : BF0668D2-AFE3-47A7-BA80-3BBAFEE5524C
Xmanager Enterprise 3.x : 991C37B9-7034-43EF-A1A9-63AA0E04BAAF
Xmanager Enterprise 2.x : 99564F34-2A5D-4D1D-93B0-AE0230DF5A27

Xmanager Standard GUID 

Xmanager Standard 8.x : B9BCA08A-93CA-4E67-A059-F58A45B9D0E4
Xmanager Standard 7.x : A92BBC83-FBD1-4BCC-9286-BF914F41D25B
Xmanager Standard 6.x : 7AC7C12D-3632-4D1C-A32F-010B4ACEEEE6
Xmanager Standard 5.x : 56BA7997-C26E-47C6-A768-945C499EC1D1
Xmanager Standard 4.x : 4AA18D88-29A2-411B-A404-B5F6A7CFDFF0 OR F6485C45-0700-46C6-A1CF-92588824DC07
Xmanager Standard 3.x : D8EE1FC5-2AEF-4AA0-AC0B-712DABEA910D
Xmanager Standard 2.0 : 89644228-0D0B-4D3C-9568-0050A9F72FF9

Xmanager 1.3.x

Delete the installation folder OR delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NetSarang\Xmanager\1.3.x from the registry

Xshell GUID 

Xshell 8.x : 4E3C6853-2BAC-4D1D-AD22-D820D0426FE0
Xshell 7.x : 2C5F58B0-1BF6-4BD3-A665-C1B5206BDC17
Xshell 6.x : EB1AAB19-5EE8-46BD-86CC-146BF85DC170
Xshell 5.x : F3FDFD5A-A201-407B-887F-399484764ECA
Xshell 4.x : 4754440C-5D44-4319-BBAA-A156B0F063A0
Xshell 3.x : 0ADDDE01-D0BF-428B-A049-AA0C37035319
Xshell 2.0 : 99FF7547-7605-4847-8EC3-1418AE4D7AAE
Xshell 1.2 : 99FF7547-7605-4847-8EC3-1418AE4D7AAE


Xftp 8.x : E39EDB79-D3A2-462C-B016-69FB50B4061E
Xftp 7.x : 359A9566-381F-4D9B-8ABE-2D922940149F
Xftp 6.x : 2D76AF66-6E44-4AD8-91B4-CBD509588E99

Xftp 5.x : D7E8A325-92CC-4634-B2B1-42FE98E73B49
Xftp 4.x : 2A710662-702F-4527-A703-792D366AF625
Xftp 3.x : 3B377BAF-63CA-4CA5-9EDF-D430D74C4B41
Xftp 1.3 : 0838A5E3-6DD6-4147-9FD6-CA0C471A4CCD


Xlpd 8.x : 8CE526EF-0DF9-4D8A-BB6F-12E60B4433F3
Xlpd 7.x : 3FF54F54-5B9E-4CB4-A34C-EB10E87B1EF9
Xlpd 6.x : 81B3DC29-C78A-4734-AF4F-84BAD8520DEC
Xlpd 5.x : 68B33B46-22C3-4E8D-9D10-064CF4D166C3
Xlpd 4.x : AC2351F3-07C8-45C0-8619-AEFFFE14A48B
Xlpd 3.x : 5759CA1A-6385-4EF2-8036-8EC3CD68A7C7
Xlpd 2.1 : A5C3B1AD-2311-478E-8ACE-C0FAB205A50A

How To Delete

  1. Press the Windows key and R key to open the Run dialog box.
  2. In the Run dialog box, type regedit.exe and press enter. 

  3. Erase the following entries:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\(Wow6432Node\)Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\InstallShield Uninstall Information\{GUID}
  4. Delete the following folder: 
    C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{GUID} for 32 bit Windows
    C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{GUID} for 64 bit Windows

  5. Lastly, erase the program folder. NetSarang software is installed under the following directory:
    x86: C:\Program Files\NetSarang\
    x64: C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSarang\

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