RHEL 7.x XDMCP Configuration
As such, you will have to use a different user environment than Gnome and a different XDMCP Daemon than gdm.
XDMCP Configuration
lightdm Installation
Add a new source repository:# rpm -ivh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm # yum install lightdm
lightdm Configuration
Configure the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file as follows. If the file does not exist, create it.[XDMCPserver] enabled=true
Change Default Display Manager to lightdm
# systemctl disable gdm ; systemctl enable lightdm
Though gdm is disabled, it is still running and will need to be stopped replaced by lightdm (This is unnecessary if you initiated a reboot after Step 3)
# systemctl stop gdm; sleep 3; systemctl start lightdm
Temporarily Disable Firewall to Test Connection
# systemctl stop firewalld.service
Open UDP port 177 from the PC to the remote host direction. Refer to your OS manual for support concerning your firewall.
User Desktop Environment Configuration
Add a New Source Repository (If you already installed it above, you can skip this step)
# yum install http://download.netsarang.com/files/etc/epel-release-7-0.2.noarch.rpm
Install New Desktop User Environment (Choose one or the other)
Xfce Installation# yum groupinstall xfce (In some case --skip-broken option is needed.)
KDE Installation# yum groupinstall kde-desktop
Apply New Environment and Restart XDMCP Daemon
# systemctl restart lightdm
- Connect with Xmanager
Select Xfce or KDE from the login screen