pre-sale issue [1]

pre-sale issue [1]

pre-sale issue

Thursday, May 12, 2016 1:59 AM - jimmy


I am your reseller from Taiwan.
Need your assist to resolve my customer's technical issue:

Customer's problems occurred after Startx
From there the message to see the connection
But there is a problem passback Display.

please see attachment.

Program Ver. : Xmanager 5
Connect Method : Xstart connection

Re: pre-sale issue

Monday, May 16, 2016 10:15 PM - Support

Even though your customer can connect to the server with telnet, the X11 connection cannot be established from the server to the PC through TCP port 6000~. This usually happens because of the firewall or a network configuration issue.

Have your customer check if the PC's firewall is blocking packets from outside. If the server implements SSH, the connection can be established in this environment.

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