Terminal Output Trucates with 'clear' cmd [4]

Terminal Output Trucates with 'clear' cmd [4]

Terminal Output Trucates with 'clear' cmd

Tuesday, November 22, 2005 2:02 AM - fhabash

I'm experiencing a rather unpleasant behavior when issuing 'clear' command in unix. This causes the terminal output to truncate and get lost. So often, I need to scroll back to double check something and with it gone, it is a significant limitation for me. I have not seen this in putty, securecrt or actually in most of the ones I used before. Is there a way to repair this?

Re: Terminal Output Trucates with 'clear' cmd

Tuesday, November 22, 2005 2:11 PM - Support

'clear' command operates differently depending on the type of terminal emulator. For example, terminal emulator such as xterm simply clears what is on the screen, but Gnome-Terminal scrolls up the contents.

We appreciate your feedback and we will consider adding this feature in our future releases.

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Re: Re: Terminal Output Trucates with 'clear' cmd

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:45 AM - xshell usr

Thanks for addressing the issue. However, I've changed the terminal type to all values within the app, but this behavior persisted. It kept truncating the outpu. I also compared xshell to other products like putty and securecrt using 'xterm' but none trucated it. It only happens with xshell.

am trying to decide on what product to decide on xshell or securecrt. I like xshell more except for this behavior. It is a serious issue for me not be able to scroll back to read command output or scrollting log files. Is there a work-around or temporary resolutio for now? if not, how long do i have to wait before i see this behavior repaired in new releases. If not to long, i can wait before i commit purchasing the other product.

Re: Re: Re: Terminal Output Trucates with 'clear' cmd

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 6:16 PM - Support

We have added the new feature you requested and the new updated version (Xshell 2.0 Build 0806) is available now. You can download it at:


Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Terminal Output Trucates with 'clear' cmd

Thursday, December 1, 2005 1:13 AM - secureguy

This is superb. It works. Thank you a bunch.

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