Quick Connect Bar

Quick Connect Bar

The quick connect bar allows users to connect to a server quickly using only minimal information, without using a session file.
Host Name or IP Address
Enter the remote computer host name or IP address. Use the following format:
[protocol://][user:password@]host name[:font][/][path]
The available protocols are sftp and ftp. The default protocol is the one defined by the user in the default session properties. The default port number for each protocol is:

  • sftp:22
  • ftp:21

Examples are listed below.




Connect to footbar.com via the protocol and a port number defined in the default session properties.


Connect to foobar.com via the SFTP protocol. User account is kay and the default port number is used.


Connect to port 12345 of foobar.com with the SFTP protocol. User account is kay.


Connect to foobar.com via the FTP protocol. User account is not designated and the default connection port is port 21.

  • Note
    Xshell is executed when SSH and TELNET protocols are entered. The Xshell program must be installed on the user's PC. 

User Name
Enter the user name for login. The user name is the login account of the remote computer. If this section is left blank, a dialog box requesting a user name appears during connection.

Enter the remote computer user name password. If this section is left blank, a dialog box requesting user authentication appears during connection.

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