Disconnect and Exit dialog [3]

Disconnect and Exit dialog

Friday, February 4, 2005 12:36 AM - J. Walls

Is there a way to disable the "Do you wish to disconnect and exit?" dialog when exiting Xshell?

Re: Disconnect and Exit dialog

Friday, February 4, 2005 5:31 PM - Support

Unfortunately there is no way to disable the disconnection dialog box on exit. We will try to provide an option for it in the next version.

Meanwhile, you can use one of the following:

- Two successive "Ctrl+D" to terminate Xshell.
- Turn on "Exit on Connection Close" option, then press "Ctrl+D" to terminal Xshell.

Hope this helps you.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Disconnect and Exit dialog

Wednesday, February 9, 2005 2:22 AM - J. Walls

Thanks for the suggestions.

Re: Re: Re: Disconnect and Exit dialog

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 4:05 PM - Support

This feature has been added in Xshell 2.0 Build 0910. Please download the latest version at:


Thank you for using Xshell.

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