Internal Powerline Characters broke after Windows 10 1809 [1]

Internal Powerline Characters broke after Windows 10 1809 [1]

Internal Powerline Characters broke after Windows 10 1809

Thursday, January 3, 2019 3:11 PM - Kang Mingxuan

Hi, guys,

I've been always using the internal powerline support of Xshell, because it's the only way I can get my zsh powerline plugin work on a Windows terminal emulator. Thank you, guys.

However, after Windows 10 1809, the appearance of powerline characters and some other glyphs changed. As you can see in the attachment, the right part of the check mark(√) was overlapped by the triangle glyph.

Program Ver. : Xshell 6

Re: Internal Powerline Characters broke after Windows 10 1809

Monday, January 7, 2019 4:29 PM - Support

This is happening in Windows 10 1809, but not before 1803. We are investigating this issue and appreciate your patience.

Technical Support

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