Quick Command Sets Setting

Quick Command Sets Setting

By designating frequently used character strings as quick commands, Users can avoid repeated keyboard inputs and use simple mouse clicks to execute the commands. To display quick commands bar, check [Quick Commands] in the [View] menu.

To Add Quick Command Set:

  1. Select [Quick Command Sets] in the [Tools] menu. Quick Command Sets dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click [New].
  3. Enter the new quick command set name.
  • Note
    To open the Quick Command Sets dialog box, click the [Quick Command Set] button(an icon at the far left) in the quick commands bar and select [Browse] from the list. 

To Add Quick Command on Quick Commands Bar:

  1. Click an undefined Quick Command button in the quick commands bar or press a shortcut key (Ctrl+F1, etc.). Edit Quick Command dialog box is displayed.
  2. Enter the quick command name in [Label] and a frequently used command or character string in [Action] area.
  3. Click [OK].
  • Note
    To edit the quick command set displayed in the quick commands bar, click the [Quick Command Set] button(an icon at the far left) on the bar and select [Edit] from the list. Edit Quick Command Set dialog box is displayed.
    The order of quick commands listed in the quick command bar can be changed by dragging button. 

To Add Quick Command to Quick Command Set:

  1. Select [Quick Command Sets] from the [Tools] menu. Quick Command Sets dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select a quick command set to which a quick command is to be added.
  3. Click [Edit]. Edit Quick Command Set dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select a quick command and click [Edit]. Edit Quick Command dialog box is displayed.
  5. Enter the quick command name in [Label] and a frequently used command or character string in [Action] area.
  • Note
    You can use the %HOSTNAME variable to pass the host name of your PC. For example, if the host name for your PC is 'COMPUTER_A', then if you use 'echo %HOSTNAME', 'echo COMPUTER_A' will be sent.
  1. Click [OK].
  2. To add more quick commands, repeat the process from 4 to 6.
  3. Click [OK] in Edit Quick Command Set dialog box.
  • Note
    In Edit Quick Command Set dialog box, add, delete, and edit quick commands. The order of quick commands listed in the quick command bar may be changed.

To Display Another Quick Command Set in Quick Commands Bar:

  1. Click the [Quick Command Set] button(an icon at the far left) in quick commands bar and select a quick command set from the list. The buttons from the selected quick command set are listed.

To Select Quick Command Set Displayed when Session is Started:

  1. Open the session's Session Properties dialog box.
  2. Select [Advanced] from [Category].
  3. Select a quick command set to be used in session.
  4. Press [Browse] and select the quick command set or create a new quick command set in Quick Command Sets dialog box.
  5. Click [OK].

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