Highlight Sets Settings

Highlight Sets Settings

Strings you'd like to emphasize can be highlighted via color or font changes using Xshell's Highlight Sets.
To Add a Highlight Set:

  1. From the [Tools] menu, select [Terminal Highlight Sets] to open the Highlight Sets dialog box.
  2. Click [New] to create a new Highligt Set.
  3. Enter the name for the new Highlight Set.
  • Note
    You can also open the Highlight Sets dialog box using the Terminal Highlight Sets button on the standard toolbar.

To Delete a Highlight Set:

  1. From the [Tools] menu, select [Terminal Highlight Sets] to open the Highlight Sets dialog box.
  2. Select the Highlight Set to delete and click [Delete].

To Apply a Highlight Set to a Session:

  1. From the Highlight Sets Dialog box, select the desired Highlight Set.
  2. Click [Set to Current].
  • Note
    Highlight Sets can also be applied to sessions from a session's properties.

To Add Keywords to a Highlight Set:

  1. From the Highlight Sets Dialog box, select the desired Highlight Set.
  2. Click [Add] to open the Keyword dialog box.
  3. Enter the keyword to highlight. To distinguish between upper/lower case, select the 'Case Sensitive' option. To highlight strings based on regular expressions, select the 'Regular Expression' option.
  4. Select the style of the highlight in the 'View' area. To change the color of the text without changing the background color, select the 'Term Color' option.
  5. Click [OK].

To Delete Keywords from a Highlight Set:

  1. From the Highlight Sets Dialog box, select the Highlight Set which contains the keyword.
  2. Select the keyword to delete.
  3. Click [Delete]

To Modify Keywords in a Highlight Set:

  1. From the Highlight Sets Dialog box, select the Highlight Set which contains the keyword.
  2. Select the keyword to modify.
  3. Click [Edit] to open the keyword dialog box.
  4. After completing your modification, click [OK].

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