ssh 연결시 error [3]
ssh 연결시 error [3]
ssh 연결시 error
2002-03-12 00:00 - 김원회
Connected to
Exchanging SSH version...Done.
Server: SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-1.2.2.
Client: SSH-1.5-Xssh_1.0.
SSH1 is enabled.
Authenticating remote SSH server...
Waiting for server host key...Received.
Fingerprint: 1024 11:30:e3:67:4d:f9:43:4b:d0:17:a0:1a:c3:86:61:f1.
Verifying host key...Verified.
Negotiating cipher (encryption method)...Done.
Selected cipher: 3DES.
Trying to login as *****.
Trying password authentication...Done.
Requesting X11 forwarding...Done.
Requesting compression...Done.
Remote command has been requested.
X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=1)...Done.
Xlib: connection to "test:11.0" refused by server
Xssh: Invalid x11 authentication cookie!
/usr/bin/X11/xterm Xt error: Can't open display: test:11.0
Waiting for forwarded connections to terminate...
The following connections are open:
#1 X11 connection from test port 1063 (t4 r1 i4/0 o128/0)
All forwarding channels are closed, disconnecting...
이와 같은 메세지가 나오네요..
현재 wow6.2에서 test 중인데 어떻게 해야하나요
그리고 end-to-end 연결시에
end-nat-fw-router-router-fw-end로 연결할 경우
ssh말고는 xdmp로는 안되나요..
추가로 원격호스트에 연결가능한 ip나 기타 다른 조건을 두어
한두개의 pc만 연결이 가능한지...
Connected to
Exchanging SSH version...Done.
Server: SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-1.2.2.
Client: SSH-1.5-Xssh_1.0.
SSH1 is enabled.
Authenticating remote SSH server...
Waiting for server host key...Received.
Fingerprint: 1024 11:30:e3:67:4d:f9:43:4b:d0:17:a0:1a:c3:86:61:f1.
Verifying host key...Verified.
Negotiating cipher (encryption method)...Done.
Selected cipher: 3DES.
Trying to login as *****.
Trying password authentication...Done.
Requesting X11 forwarding...Done.
Requesting compression...Done.
Remote command has been requested.
X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=1)...Done.
Xlib: connection to "test:11.0" refused by server
Xssh: Invalid x11 authentication cookie!
/usr/bin/X11/xterm Xt error: Can't open display: test:11.0
Waiting for forwarded connections to terminate...
The following connections are open:
#1 X11 connection from test port 1063 (t4 r1 i4/0 o128/0)
All forwarding channels are closed, disconnecting...
이와 같은 메세지가 나오네요..
현재 wow6.2에서 test 중인데 어떻게 해야하나요
그리고 end-to-end 연결시에
end-nat-fw-router-router-fw-end로 연결할 경우
ssh말고는 xdmp로는 안되나요..
추가로 원격호스트에 연결가능한 ip나 기타 다른 조건을 두어
한두개의 pc만 연결이 가능한지...
Re: ssh 연결시 error
2002-03-12 00:00 - 김형모
Access 제어기능을 On하신 것 같네요.
X설정의 [보안->신뢰할 수 있는 호스트]에 "localhost"를 넣어 보세요.
X설정의 [보안->신뢰할 수 있는 호스트]에 "localhost"를 넣어 보세요.
Re: ssh 연결시 error
2002-03-12 00:00 - 김원회
Connected to
Exchanging SSH version...Done.
Server: SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-1.2.2.
Client: SSH-1.5-Xssh_1.0.
SSH1 is enabled.
Authenticating remote SSH server...
Waiting for server host key...Received.
Fingerprint: 1024 11:30:e3:67:4d:f9:43:4b:d0:17:a0:1a:c3:86:61:f1.
Verifying host key...Verified.
Negotiating cipher (encryption method)...Done.
Selected cipher: 3DES.
Trying to login as *****.
Trying password authentication...Done.
Requesting X11 forwarding...Done.
Requesting compression...Done.
Remote command has been requested.
X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=1)...Done.
Xlib: connection to "test:11.0" refused by server
Xssh: Invalid x11 authentication cookie!
/usr/bin/X11/xterm Xt error: Can't open display: test:11.0
Waiting for forwarded connections to terminate...
The following connections are open:
#1 X11 connection from test port 1067 (t4 r1 i4/0 o128/0)
X설정에 보안의 access제어기능을 on 시키지 않았습니다
그리구 on시키고 localhost를 등록했을 경우 위와 같은 메세지가
참 xterm설정시에
/etc/ssh2/sshd2_config에 AllowX11Forwarding yes
을 하지 못하였습니다.
6.2설치시에 ssh2는 설치가 되질 않네요..
Exchanging SSH version...Done.
Server: SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-1.2.2.
Client: SSH-1.5-Xssh_1.0.
SSH1 is enabled.
Authenticating remote SSH server...
Waiting for server host key...Received.
Fingerprint: 1024 11:30:e3:67:4d:f9:43:4b:d0:17:a0:1a:c3:86:61:f1.
Verifying host key...Verified.
Negotiating cipher (encryption method)...Done.
Selected cipher: 3DES.
Trying to login as *****.
Trying password authentication...Done.
Requesting X11 forwarding...Done.
Requesting compression...Done.
Remote command has been requested.
X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=1)...Done.
Xlib: connection to "test:11.0" refused by server
Xssh: Invalid x11 authentication cookie!
/usr/bin/X11/xterm Xt error: Can't open display: test:11.0
Waiting for forwarded connections to terminate...
The following connections are open:
#1 X11 connection from test port 1067 (t4 r1 i4/0 o128/0)
X설정에 보안의 access제어기능을 on 시키지 않았습니다
그리구 on시키고 localhost를 등록했을 경우 위와 같은 메세지가
참 xterm설정시에
/etc/ssh2/sshd2_config에 AllowX11Forwarding yes
을 하지 못하였습니다.
6.2설치시에 ssh2는 설치가 되질 않네요..
최신 openssh를 설치해 보세요.
2002-03-13 00:00 - 선재
도와드리고 싶지만 같은 버전의 openssh가 없는 관계로
정확히 도와드리기는 어렵네요.
저도 ssh 연결 환경에서 Xmanager를 사용하고 있습니다.
레드헷 7.x대에서 제공하는 openssh나 최신의 openssh는
모두 정상적으로 동작합니다.
www.openssh.org에서 최신의 버전을 다운받아서 사용하십시오.
큰 도움을 드리지 못했네요. ^^
정확히 도와드리기는 어렵네요.
저도 ssh 연결 환경에서 Xmanager를 사용하고 있습니다.
레드헷 7.x대에서 제공하는 openssh나 최신의 openssh는
모두 정상적으로 동작합니다.
www.openssh.org에서 최신의 버전을 다운받아서 사용하십시오.
큰 도움을 드리지 못했네요. ^^
이전 조회수: 109
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