Channel has been closed [4]

Channel has been closed

2002-03-26 00:00 - 이재미

리모콘을 이용해서 ssh 연결을 하였습니다.

현재 설치한 고객사에서 Xterm까지는 잘뜨는데
Xsession을 실행시키면

Establishing X11 connection 이 몇개 쭈욱 뜨다가
또 쭈욱 닫히네요
자세한 내용은 아래와 같습니다.


X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=1)...Done.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=2)...Done.

X11 channel (id=2) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=3)...Done.

X11 channel (id=3) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=4)...Done.

X11 channel (id=4) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=5)...Done.

X11 channel (id=5) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=6)...Done.

X11 channel (id=6) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=7)...Done.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=8)...Done.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=9)...Done.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=10)...Done.

X11 channel (id=10) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=11)...Done.

X11 channel (id=11) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=12)...Done.

X11 channel (id=12) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=13)...Done.

X11 channel (id=13) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=14)...Done.

X11 channel (id=14) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=15)...Done.

X11 channel (id=15) has been closed.

X11 channel (id=9) has been closed.

X11 channel (id=7) has been closed.

자동 끝내기 옵션을 꺼보세요.

2002-03-26 00:00 - 선재

X 설정 -> 옵션 -> Xmanager 자동 끝내기를 꺼주신 후에
다시 Xmanager를 구동하고 실행해 보십시오.

그래도 해결되지 않을 경우 아래 정보를 알려주십시오.

* 연결하려는 호스트의 운영체제와 버전
* 리모콘 실행시 보여주는 진행상태와 결과창의 내용
* Xmanager 버전


[RE]자동 끝내기 옵션을 꺼보세요.

2002-03-26 00:00 - 이재미

네, 말씀하신대로해도 결과는 동일한거 같아요.

부탁하신 내용입니다.

저희 호스트는 Solaris 2.8이구요.

실행창 결과는
Connected to

Exchanging SSH version...Done.
Server: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.1p1.
Client: SSH-1.5-Xssh_1.0.
SSH1 is enabled.

Authenticating remote SSH server...
Waiting for server host key...Received.
Fingerprint: 1024 e8:c3:5c:6c:10:71:ab:c9:72:a8:98:8b:93:f6:db:7a.
Verifying host key...Verified.

Negotiating cipher (encryption method)...Done.
Selected cipher: 3DES.

Trying to login as root.
Trying password authentication...Done.

Requesting X11 forwarding...Done.

Requesting pseudo terminal...Done.

Requesting compression...Done.

Shell has been requested.
Last login: Tue Mar 26 12:32:35 2002 from

Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.8 Generic February 2000

/usr/openwin/bin/xterm -ls

Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.8 Generic February 2000

You have new mail.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=1)...Done. ==> 요기까지가 Xterm이 뜬거구요

===> 요기서부터가 /usr/dt/bin/Xsession을 실행시킨후의 결과입니다

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=2)...Done.

X11 channel (id=2) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=3)...Done.

X11 channel (id=3) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=4)...Done.

X11 channel (id=4) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=5)...Done.

X11 channel (id=5) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=6)...Done.

X11 channel (id=6) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=7)...Done.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=8)...Done.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=9)...Done.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=10)...Done.

X11 channel (id=10) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=11)...Done.

X11 channel (id=11) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=12)...Done.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=13)...Done.

X11 channel (id=13) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=14)...Done.

X11 channel (id=14) has been closed.

X11 channel request arrived.
Establishing X11 connection (id=15)...Done.

X11 channel (id=15) has been closed.

X11 channel (id=9) has been closed.


실제 처음 Xmanager화면은 뜨거든요
하얀바탕에 Welcome이 보이는 그리곤 멈추어버리네요. --!!

그리고 저희가 구매한 Xmanager의 Version은 1.3.9이구요.
제가 테스트한건 평가판으로 다운받은 1.3.9랍니다.

답변 부탁드릴께요. 감사합니다.

ps : 솔라리스 2.6에서 했을땐 이런 문제가 없었거든요..os문제일까요?

테스트 후 알려드리겠습니다.

2002-03-26 00:00 - 넷사랑

문의하신 내용을 테스트 하여
그 결과를 알려 드리겠습니다.


테스트 공지

2002-03-27 00:00 - 넷사랑


말씀하신 환경에서 테스트를 해봤습니다.
저희의 경우 /usr/dt/bin/Xsession 실행 후
무리없이 CDE환경 접속이 가능했습니다.

고객님께서 말씀하신 문제의 원인이 다른 곳에
있는 듯합니다.

접속하고자하는 호스트(솔라리스8)의 내부 네트워크 환경에서

같은 문제가 발생하면 연락주십시오.


이전 조회수: 750