oracle 설치창이 떠지않아요 [1]
oracle 설치창이 떠지않아요 [1]
oracle 설치창이 떠지않아요
2011-01-11 11:40 - 김형률
Xstart 를 이용하여 oracle 을 설치하려고 합니다.
DISPLAY 를 설정하고 ./runInstaller 를 하였으나 창이 떠지않습니다.
xmanager 로그는 아래와 같습니다.
Exiting the waiting loop ...
FreeFontPath: FPE "C:\Program Files\NetSarang\Xmanager 3\fonts\Misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.
Server Generation 43
Server profile: %system%\Default Profile.xcf
Desktop composition is disabled.
Hardware information:
Processor architecture: 0
Number of processors: 2
Page size: 4096
Processor type: 586
Minimum application address: 10000
Maximum application address: 7ffeffff
Active processor mask: 3
Allocation granularity: 65536
Processor level: 6
Processor revision: 0x1a05
============ Global Memory Status ==========
Memory Load : 12%
Total Physical Memory : 2097151 Kbytes
Available Physical Memory : 2097151 Kbytes
Total Page File : 4194303 Kbytes
Available Page File : 4194303 Kbytes
Total Virtual : 2097024 Kbytes
Available Virtual : 2040112 Kbytes
Window Mode: 1
Primary Screen Resolution: 1680 x 945
Size of Palette: 256
Number of Reserved Colors: 0
Resolution of Color: 24
Depth of Screen: 16
Maximum Cursor Width: 32
Maximum Cursor Height: 32
Frame Width: 4
Frame Height: 4
Border Width: 1
Border Height: 1
Maximum Client Area Width: 1680
Maximum Client Area Height:896
Icon Width: 32
Icon Height: 32
Caption Height: 19
DBCS Enabled: 1
GDI batch limit: 20
Mouse buttons: 3
Waveform Output Devices: 1
Mouse wheel present: 0
Monitors: 1
Selected Monitor: Virtual Screen
Same display format: 1
Virtual screen x 0, y 0, w 1680 h 945
Root Window x 0, y 0, w 1680, h 915
Exact StoreColor: 0
Reverse RGB Order: 0
Screen 0: 1680 x 915, depth 24, dpi 90 x 90
Keyboard file version: 3.0
Keyboard file: Korean 106 keyboard
Keyboard type: 3
nKeys, minKC, maxKC, mapWidth, nCompose: 106, 8, 114, 4, 0
Number of keycodes: 107
Number of KeySyms: 428
Bytes of KeySyms: 1712
Running Xsound...
Waiting for client connections ...
Exiting the waiting loop ...
FreeFontPath: FPE "C:\Program Files\NetSarang\Xmanager 3\fonts\Misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.
Server Generation 44
Server profile: %system%\Default Profile.xcf
Desktop composition is disabled.
Hardware information:
Processor architecture: 0
Number of processors: 2
Page size: 4096
Processor type: 586
Minimum application address: 10000
Maximum application address: 7ffeffff
Active processor mask: 3
Allocation granularity: 65536
Processor level: 6
Processor revision: 0x1a05
============ Global Memory Status ==========
Memory Load : 12%
Total Physical Memory : 2097151 Kbytes
Available Physical Memory : 2097151 Kbytes
Total Page File : 4194303 Kbytes
Available Page File : 4194303 Kbytes
Total Virtual : 2097024 Kbytes
Available Virtual : 2040112 Kbytes
Window Mode: 1
Primary Screen Resolution: 1680 x 945
Size of Palette: 256
Number of Reserved Colors: 0
Resolution of Color: 24
Depth of Screen: 16
Maximum Cursor Width: 32
Maximum Cursor Height: 32
Frame Width: 4
Frame Height: 4
Border Width: 1
Border Height: 1
Maximum Client Area Width: 1680
Maximum Client Area Height:896
Icon Width: 32
Icon Height: 32
Caption Height: 19
DBCS Enabled: 1
GDI batch limit: 20
Mouse buttons: 3
Waveform Output Devices: 1
Mouse wheel present: 0
Monitors: 1
Selected Monitor: Virtual Screen
Same display format: 1
Virtual screen x 0, y 0, w 1680 h 945
Root Window x 0, y 0, w 1680, h 915
Exact StoreColor: 0
Reverse RGB Order: 0
Screen 0: 1680 x 915, depth 24, dpi 90 x 90
Keyboard file version: 3.0
Keyboard file: Korean 106 keyboard
Keyboard type: 3
nKeys, minKC, maxKC, mapWidth, nCompose: 106, 8, 114, 4, 0
Number of keycodes: 107
Number of KeySyms: 428
Bytes of KeySyms: 1712
Running Xsound...
Waiting for client connections ...
Error: Can't open font '-jdk-lucida-medium-r-normal--*-140-75-75-p-*-iso8859-1'
Error: Can't open font '-jdk-lucida-medium-r-normal--*-140-75-75-p-*-iso8859-1'
Error: Can't open font '-jdk-lucida-medium-r-normal--*-120-75-75-p-*-iso8859-1'
제품명 : Xmanager 3.0
연결 방법 : Xstart connection
DISPLAY 를 설정하고 ./runInstaller 를 하였으나 창이 떠지않습니다.
xmanager 로그는 아래와 같습니다.
Exiting the waiting loop ...
FreeFontPath: FPE "C:\Program Files\NetSarang\Xmanager 3\fonts\Misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.
Server Generation 43
Server profile: %system%\Default Profile.xcf
Desktop composition is disabled.
Hardware information:
Processor architecture: 0
Number of processors: 2
Page size: 4096
Processor type: 586
Minimum application address: 10000
Maximum application address: 7ffeffff
Active processor mask: 3
Allocation granularity: 65536
Processor level: 6
Processor revision: 0x1a05
============ Global Memory Status ==========
Memory Load : 12%
Total Physical Memory : 2097151 Kbytes
Available Physical Memory : 2097151 Kbytes
Total Page File : 4194303 Kbytes
Available Page File : 4194303 Kbytes
Total Virtual : 2097024 Kbytes
Available Virtual : 2040112 Kbytes
Window Mode: 1
Primary Screen Resolution: 1680 x 945
Size of Palette: 256
Number of Reserved Colors: 0
Resolution of Color: 24
Depth of Screen: 16
Maximum Cursor Width: 32
Maximum Cursor Height: 32
Frame Width: 4
Frame Height: 4
Border Width: 1
Border Height: 1
Maximum Client Area Width: 1680
Maximum Client Area Height:896
Icon Width: 32
Icon Height: 32
Caption Height: 19
DBCS Enabled: 1
GDI batch limit: 20
Mouse buttons: 3
Waveform Output Devices: 1
Mouse wheel present: 0
Monitors: 1
Selected Monitor: Virtual Screen
Same display format: 1
Virtual screen x 0, y 0, w 1680 h 945
Root Window x 0, y 0, w 1680, h 915
Exact StoreColor: 0
Reverse RGB Order: 0
Screen 0: 1680 x 915, depth 24, dpi 90 x 90
Keyboard file version: 3.0
Keyboard file: Korean 106 keyboard
Keyboard type: 3
nKeys, minKC, maxKC, mapWidth, nCompose: 106, 8, 114, 4, 0
Number of keycodes: 107
Number of KeySyms: 428
Bytes of KeySyms: 1712
Running Xsound...
Waiting for client connections ...
Exiting the waiting loop ...
FreeFontPath: FPE "C:\Program Files\NetSarang\Xmanager 3\fonts\Misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.
Server Generation 44
Server profile: %system%\Default Profile.xcf
Desktop composition is disabled.
Hardware information:
Processor architecture: 0
Number of processors: 2
Page size: 4096
Processor type: 586
Minimum application address: 10000
Maximum application address: 7ffeffff
Active processor mask: 3
Allocation granularity: 65536
Processor level: 6
Processor revision: 0x1a05
============ Global Memory Status ==========
Memory Load : 12%
Total Physical Memory : 2097151 Kbytes
Available Physical Memory : 2097151 Kbytes
Total Page File : 4194303 Kbytes
Available Page File : 4194303 Kbytes
Total Virtual : 2097024 Kbytes
Available Virtual : 2040112 Kbytes
Window Mode: 1
Primary Screen Resolution: 1680 x 945
Size of Palette: 256
Number of Reserved Colors: 0
Resolution of Color: 24
Depth of Screen: 16
Maximum Cursor Width: 32
Maximum Cursor Height: 32
Frame Width: 4
Frame Height: 4
Border Width: 1
Border Height: 1
Maximum Client Area Width: 1680
Maximum Client Area Height:896
Icon Width: 32
Icon Height: 32
Caption Height: 19
DBCS Enabled: 1
GDI batch limit: 20
Mouse buttons: 3
Waveform Output Devices: 1
Mouse wheel present: 0
Monitors: 1
Selected Monitor: Virtual Screen
Same display format: 1
Virtual screen x 0, y 0, w 1680 h 945
Root Window x 0, y 0, w 1680, h 915
Exact StoreColor: 0
Reverse RGB Order: 0
Screen 0: 1680 x 915, depth 24, dpi 90 x 90
Keyboard file version: 3.0
Keyboard file: Korean 106 keyboard
Keyboard type: 3
nKeys, minKC, maxKC, mapWidth, nCompose: 106, 8, 114, 4, 0
Number of keycodes: 107
Number of KeySyms: 428
Bytes of KeySyms: 1712
Running Xsound...
Waiting for client connections ...
Error: Can't open font '-jdk-lucida-medium-r-normal--*-140-75-75-p-*-iso8859-1'
Error: Can't open font '-jdk-lucida-medium-r-normal--*-140-75-75-p-*-iso8859-1'
Error: Can't open font '-jdk-lucida-medium-r-normal--*-120-75-75-p-*-iso8859-1'
제품명 : Xmanager 3.0
연결 방법 : Xstart connection
Re: oracle 설치창이 떠지않아요
2011-01-11 18:27 - 넷사랑
넷사랑컴퓨터 기술지원입니다.
Xstart에서 xterm을 실행시킨 후 runinstaller를 실행합니다. 이 때 DISPLAY는 따로 지정하지 않아도 됩니다. 오히려 DISPLAY를 잘못 지정하게 되면 어뚱한 곳에서 오라클 인스톨러가 실행되게 됩니다.
DISPLAY는 접속하는 곳으로 자동으로 설정되게 되어 있으니 따로 지정하지 않고 실행해 보십시오.
문제가 해결되지 않을 경우 runinstaller를 실행한 후의 에러메시지를 보내 주시기 바랍니다.
넷사랑컴퓨터 기술지원입니다.
Xstart에서 xterm을 실행시킨 후 runinstaller를 실행합니다. 이 때 DISPLAY는 따로 지정하지 않아도 됩니다. 오히려 DISPLAY를 잘못 지정하게 되면 어뚱한 곳에서 오라클 인스톨러가 실행되게 됩니다.
DISPLAY는 접속하는 곳으로 자동으로 설정되게 되어 있으니 따로 지정하지 않고 실행해 보십시오.
문제가 해결되지 않을 경우 runinstaller를 실행한 후의 에러메시지를 보내 주시기 바랍니다.
이전 조회수: 285
, multiple selections available,