검은화면 몇초 지속 후 바로 꺼져버립니다

검은화면 몇초 지속 후 바로 꺼져버립니다

검은화면 몇초 지속 후 바로 꺼져버립니다

2015-06-26 19:09 - 박호연

X Brower를 켜서 자동으로 잡힌 세션을 접속했을때,
검은 화면 + 마우스커서 안보임 상태로 몇초간 머무르다가 창이 꺼져버립니다.
연결이 제대로 된것은 확인했습니다.
여기서 가이드해준 telnet 명령어와 xterm 명령어로 콘솔화면이 연결되는 것은 확인했거든요 ㅠㅠ
Ubuntu 14.04 이고, xfce도 설치했습니다.
Fail Log 첨부합니다.....

Xmanager 5021
Copyright (c) 1997-2015 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
All rights reserved.

UTC Date: Fri Jun 26 10:04:36 2015
Local Date: Fri Jun 26 19:04:36 2015

Compiler version: 170060610
X Server Directory: "C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSarang\Xmanager 5\"
LANG ID: 1042
Session File: Not specified.
Connection Method: 1
Xdmcp UDP Port: 177
Xdmcp Host: ''
Product Code: 0
License Type: 1

Server Generation 1
Server profile: %system%\Default Profile.xcf
Desktop composition is disabled.
Default Display Number: 0
Local Time: Fri Jun 26 19:04:36 2015

============ Global Memory Status ==========
Memory Load : 13%
Total Physical Memory : 16101 Mbytes
Available Physical Memory : 13854 Mbytes
Total Page File : 16611 Mbytes
Available Page File : 14346 Mbytes
Total Virtual : 4095 Mbytes
Available Virtual : 4017 Mbytes

<Hardware information>
Processor architecture: 0
Number of processors: 8
Page size: 4096
Processor type: 586
Minimum application address: 10000
Maximum application address: fffeffff
Active processor mask: 255
Allocation granularity: 65536
Processor level: 6
Processor revision: 0x2a07

<OS Version Information>
Platform id : 2
Major Version : 6
Minor Version : 1
Build Number : 7600
Description : ""
Country Code : 82
Country String: 대한민국
ANSI Code Page: 949
Language ID : 18

WinSock Version 2.2 is selected.
Highest Version 2.2
Description: WinSock 2.0
System Status: Running
Max Sockets: 0
Max UDP Datagram: 0
Local Hostname: 'hoyeon-z68'
RGB database: C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSarang\Xmanager 5\rgb\rgb.txt
Local Address: fe80::b4a7:ed34:c0fc:90
Local Address:
Local Address: 2002:c24:50c1:e:b4b5:f213:a69e:b2a4
Local Address: fec0::e:b4b5:f213:a69e:b2a4
Local Address: 2002:c24:50c1:e:4492:c2be:fa49:7bf3
Local Address: fe80::b4b5:f213:a69e:b2a4
Local Address:
Local Address: ::1
Local Address:
Local Address: 2002:c24:50c1::c24:50c1
Listening port: 6000
XDMCP Display Number: 0
Xdmcp: sent a QUERY message.
Window Mode: 0
Primary Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Size of Palette: 256
Number of Reserved Colors: 0
Resolution of Color: 24
Depth of Screen: 32
Maximum Cursor Width: 32
Maximum Cursor Height: 32
Frame Width: 8
Frame Height: 8
Border Width: 1
Border Height: 1
Maximum Client Area Width: 1920
Maximum Client Area Height:1018
Icon Width: 32
Icon Height: 32
Small Icon Width: 16
Small Icon Height: 16
Caption Height: 22
Shade Blend Pixel Alpha: 1
DBCS Enabled: 1
GDI batch limit: 20

Mouse buttons: 3
Waveform Output Devices: 1
Mouse wheel present: 1

Monitors: 1
Selected Monitor: Virtual Screen
Same display format: 1
Virtual screen x 0, y 0, w 1920 h 1080
Root Window x 0, y 0, w 1024, h 768
Exact StoreColor: 0
Reverse RGB Order: 0

Screen 0: 1024 x 768, depth 24, dpi 96 x 96
Extension added: SHAPE, proc 128, event 64, error 0
Extension added: Extended-Visual-Information, proc 129, event 0, error 0
Extension added: XInputExtension, proc 130, event 65, error 128
Extension added: XTEST, proc 131, event 0, error 0
Extension added: BIG-REQUESTS, proc 132, event 0, error 0
Extension added: MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD, proc 133, event 0, error 0
Extension added: DEC-XTRAP, proc 134, event 80, error 133
Extension added: SYNC, proc 135, event 81, error 142
Extension added: XC-MISC, proc 136, event 0, error 0
Extension added: RECORD, proc 137, event 0, error 144
Extension added: DOUBLE-BUFFER, proc 138, event 0, error 145
Extension added: XC-APPGROUP, proc 139, event 0, error 146
Extension added: SECURITY, proc 140, event 83, error 147
Extension added: TOG-CUP, proc 141, event 0, error 0
Extension added: DPMS, proc 142, event 0, error 0
Extension added: XFree86-Bigfont, proc 143, event 0, error 0
Extension added: GLX, proc 144, event 84, error 149
Extension added: XFIXES, proc 145, event 101, error 161
Extension added: RENDER, proc 146, event 0, error 162
Extension added: RANDR, proc 147, event 103, error 0
Extension added: X-Resource, proc 148, event 0, error 0
Extension added: DAMAGE, proc 149, event 104, error 167
Keyboard file version: 3.0
Keyboard file: Korean 106 keyboard
Keyboard type: 3
nKeys, minKC, maxKC, mapWidth, nCompose: 106, 8, 114, 4, 0
Number of keycodes: 107
Number of KeySyms: 428
Bytes of KeySyms: 1712
Running Xsound...

Waiting for client connections ...

Xdmcp: received a WILLING message.
Xdmcp Request Address:
Xdmcp Connection Address 0:
Xdmcp Connection Address 1:
Xdmcp: sent a REQUEST message.
Xdmcp: received an ACCEPT message.
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
xmgrRRSetConfig: 791 x 589
Xdmcp: Control client is closed and the entire session is closed.

Exiting the waiting loop ...

FreeFontPath: FPE "C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSarang\Xmanager 5\fonts\Misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.
X server was terminated normally.

프로그램 버전 : Xmanager 5
연결 방법 : XDMCP connection

이전 조회수: 169

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