ubuntu 12.04 연결시 접속은되는데 터미널이 안열립니다. [1]

ubuntu 12.04 연결시 접속은되는데 터미널이 안열립니다.

2016-08-29 14:46 - 이찬호

[14:37:47] Connecting...
[14:37:47] 호스트 ''의 IP 주소를 찾는 중...
[14:37:47] Connected.
[14:37:47] Version exchange initiated...
[14:37:47] server: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.9p1 Debian-5ubuntu1.4
[14:37:47] client: SSH-2.0-nsssh2_5.0.0034 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
[14:37:47] SSH2 is selected.
[14:37:48] Algorithm negotiation initiated... (mode 0)
[14:37:48] key exchange: ecdh-sha2-nistp256
[14:37:48] host key: ssh-rsa
[14:37:48] outgoing encryption: aes128-cbc
[14:37:48] incoming encryption: aes128-cbc
[14:37:48] outgoing mac: hmac-sha2-256
[14:37:48] incoming mac: hmac-sha2-256
[14:37:48] outgoing compression: none
[14:37:48] incoming compression: none
[14:37:49] Host authentication initiated...
[14:37:49] Hostkey fingerprint:
[14:37:49] ssh-rsa 2048 59:e2:df:31:6b:29:b0:59:55:70:a8:5b:03:72:2a:98
[14:37:49] Accepted. Verifying host key...
[14:37:49] Verified.
[14:37:49] User authentication initiated...
[14:37:49] Sent user name 'chanho85.lee'.
[14:37:54] Sent password.
[14:37:54] Access granted.
[14:37:54] X11 포워딩을 요청했습니다...
[14:37:55] 성공
[14:37:55] 명령줄을 보냈습니다.
[14:37:55] /usr/bin/gnome-terminal
[14:37:55] Start timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN, 180).
Failed to parse arguments: Cannot open display:

** (gnome-terminal:3260): WARNING **: Command line `dbus-launch --autolaunch=303c32c9eab1886b7c34a5750000000a --binary-syntax --close-stderr' exited with non-zero exit status 1: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.\n
[14:40:55] Stop timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN).
[14:40:55] Connection closed.

로그가 위와 같습니다. 왜그런걸까요?ㅠㅠ

프로그램 버전 : Xmanager 5
연결 방법 : Xstart connection

Re: ubuntu 12.04 연결시 접속은되는데 터미널이 안열립니다.

2016-08-31 09:38 - 넷사랑

넷사랑컴퓨터 기술지원입니다.

메시지 중에서 'Cannot open display:'를 주목할 필요가 있습니다.

다음 글을 참고하시어 문제를 해결해 보시기 바랍니다.

Xmanager Knowledgebase : Can39;t open display


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