Email Notification

Email Notification

Xlpd can send email notification when an error occurs or Xlpd stops or restarts. To receive email notifications, follow the steps below:

  1. Click [Options] in the [Tool] menu. Options dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click the [Advanced] tab.
  3. Select the [Enable email notification] option.
  4. In the [From] field, enter the email address that will be used as the sender's email.
  5. In the [To] field, enter the email address you will be receiving notifications.
  6. In the [SMTP server] field, enter the IP address or the domain name of the SMTP email server.
  7. In the [Port] field, enter the port number for the SMTP server. Default port number for SMTP server is 25.

To Authenticate User Before Sending Emails
If the SMTP server requires user authentication, you can use the user authentication feature. To enable this, follow the steps below:

  1. Click [Options] in the [Tool] menu. Options dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click the [Advanced] tab.
  3. Select the [Authenticate user before sending emails] option.
  4. In the [User name] field, enter the user name for the email server.
  5. In the [Password] field, enter the password for the user account.

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